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I've been a long time lurker on here (since 2007 I believe) and finally grew some stones and signed up properly. I'm using this thread to document my return to 40k after not touching anything for 17 years. What will follow is my slow progress on my own Astartes chapter; the Ardent Swords. First up will be the chapter master and honour. The chapter master is still waiting for some bits to arrive so he'll probably be postponed to January at this rate. Hope you all enjoy watching my journey back into the grim darkness. First up; the honour guard. These chaps are built on the reiver base with extra bits stuck on. First time doing hand transplants with these guys and was more fiddly than expected.
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Hey all. Some of you may recognise me making a nuisance of myself over in the Adeptus Mechanicus forum. I have a load of Tech Priests coloured green. Orks are my other green, walker heavy army. Since I've got quite a lot of pictures I am not going to flood the "Show me what you've got" page with pictures, I will post a project log of my work so far. My Ork force wasn't painted to as high a standard as my Mechanicus but hopefully people will find what I've made so far interesting. First up is my Warboss. He is painted in the same style as my rank and file, but he gets to embellish some of his wargear since he's in charge. The sandy yellow and blue stripes were inspired by the 2nd edition codex. The grey urban camo in spots is because I'm a glutton for paint-related punishment. I love this model. I'm just a little sad that the belt fed bullets are a bit to fragile for a gaming piece. Next up is my Deff Dread. This is possibly the first of many. I went for a bit of a dramatic scene on the base, it was good fun trying to get the pose how I liked it. I've got a Big Mek here. He was an experiement with GW metallic, I had quite a bit of fun trying out techniques that I have now completely forgotten how to replicate. When I started my Mechanicus army I kept a notebook to describe the ways I painted various effects. I might do that when I get round to my Orks again. A Warboss, because one Warboss isn't enough to start an entertaining squabble. I've got a 10-strong unit of Stormboys, here are the most interesting three. I have more boxes of Stormboys to bolster the unit, but making them match the first batch will prove tricky. Note here that the camo scheme is reversed on the Stormboys, blue with tan stripes.
Edit ++ Novemebr 2024 Link to newest chapter. Right now I'm in the process of getting things going again. But maybe not playing First Legion. New Post on page 4 near the bottom. Pre ETL Hello! I painted a test model for the Dark Angels last week. This is what I've come up with. He was a gift from WLK last year that I have only just gotten around too. For a while I wasn't sure I'd ever paint this one. I ordered one BaC set, 3 tac squads and 1 Terminator Squad all from BaC as well as 9 Jet Bikes and some extra weapons to kitt out a few models. The BaC tac marines and set have arrives already, the rest will begin to arrive over the next weeks and into May. So far I've done the test model and textured all the bases for the models that have arrived. (68 bases in all not counting the test model above. It's a little difficult to get excited about so much black but I do think it looks reasonable. I'll be looking for little spots to add some extra colors and details. In total it will only be these 82 models in the first vow. I will put them all into the same group to save me time later. If I have the time and the funds I'd like to complete a second vow but we'll see. I'm also going to do a ETL supper post on my blog filled with most everything I post in this thread as well. I've already started that and plan to publish it at the end of ETL. Thanks for reading. More to come.
This is thread I am going to show what I am doing in the hobby, and what I have done. It will be all Chaos related, mostly Iron Warriors which is my main army, but also some Death guard, in an Iron warrior scheme, some depraved daemons, and the odd knight or two. More to come in the future. Cpt.Danjou
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- Chaos Marines
- Picture Heavy
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Hi All! I have not ventured into this forum much despite owning a few Inquisitors, I usually keep them more aligned with my IG collection and WIP as they generally don't have their own retinue. I had been holding out for a dedicated Custodes subforum and now with the release of the new FW Beta rules for ALL the units I've decided now is the time to start this thread. I do have a fairly reasonable collection so far, albeit mostly unpainted. I blame that on deciding to go with the Solar Watch colour scheme... The guys have sooo much detail... I do think it is worth it in the end. My hobby goals for this year are to finish some random guard projects I haven't completed and then focus on getting a painted and playable Custodes army. Some pic's of my collection so far My initial purchase I actually have Trajann at a semi decent TT quality, but apparently not uploaded any pics of him yet I've built most my bikes! Although I do have 1-2? boxes left to build since I did these... My first bike and scheme testing, Vallejo colours helped me achieve the ivory and gold I wanted The Terminators are possibly some of my most favourite models in 40k atm And this is essentially my only fully painted model in a year or so of collecting... My xmaspresent from last year Which is now doubly so thanks for FW's release today! He's already washed, ready to assemble and magnetise Over the long weekend last week I managed to build 10 Custodians to finish of my battalion requirement I already had assembled and magentised 1 box, these guys I didn't bother with Local store had a 40-50% clearance sale on GW the other week picked up some more models that I probably didn't need... Hopefully will order some of the new Venatari soon too Having finally kicked off this thread, I hope it spurs me more to finish this army sooner! And for those wondering
Uploaded Jun 11, 2009 It's time for the final episode of WCCD? Today's episode is an amalgamation of dozens of questions the series has spawned over the last three days regarding using them as glazes, using them over various base coats, thinning them with Contrast medium and using them as a time saver. Check out my Lord of Plauges painted using the new Contrast Wraithbone Primer and Glazes! I will be painting an AOS Chaos model each day starting on Saturday using the Contrasts. Check out the progress in the AoS Meeting Engagemeng Paint Challenge on Facebook! Watch the video and join the discussion with Guerrilla Miniature Games at the video's YouTube page.
- painting
- Citadel Contrast
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Uploaded Jun 9, 2019 Another incredibly common question was how does Contrast Paint look over a zenithal Primer. I grab a classic Perry Mordheim miniature and give it a shot! Watch the video and join the discussion with Guerrilla Miniature Games at the video's YouTube page.
- painting
- Citadel Contrast
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Uploaded Jun 9, 2019 The last viewer question for today was whether or not the Contrast Paints could be used to paint White Astartes Power Armour WITHOUT using Apothecary White. Today I use Space Wolf and Basilicanum Grey with some medium Watch the video and join the discussion with Guerrilla Miniature Games at the video's YouTube page.
- painting
- Citadel Contrast
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Uploaded Jun 9, 2019 The next big question was about using Citadel Contrast to paint Metallic Power Armour (such as for Pre-Heresy Space Marines). I take a look at using the paints for this purpose for Alpha Legion, Salamangers, Thousand Sons and Blood Angels! Watch the video and join the discussion with Guerrilla Miniature Games at the video's YouTube page.
- painting
- Citadel Contrast
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Uploaded Jun 8, 2019 One of the most persistent painting questions I get is about painting black armour (particularly Space Marine power armour) and this was instantly in the queue when I took a straw-poll on Facebook. Let's find out how this new Contrast Paint does! Watch the video and join the discussion with Guerrilla Miniature Games at the video's YouTube page.
- painting
- Citadel Contrast
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Uploaded Jun 8, 2019 The final top question from my straw-poll was how the Contrast Paints would work on LARGE models. Models with big surfaces and lots of smooth areas. Who better to step into the test than Monsterpocalypse's KRAKENOCTUS? Watch the video and join the discussion with Guerrilla Miniature Games at the video's YouTube page.
- painting
- Citadel Contrast
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Greetings! I am planning out a paint scheme for a far-future project, I have chose a Artic Ice paint scheme for my Icey armour Orruk Warclan but I'm struggling to find paints for it. The colours I chose are... Celestial Blue/Hex: #4F9CC8/RGB: (79, 156, 200)/CMYK: 0.605, 0.22, 0, 0.215 Iceberg/Hex: #78ADCE/RGB: (120, 173, 206)/CMYK: 0.417, 0.160, 0, 0.192 Pale Cerulean/Hex: #9DBED4/RGB: (157, 190, 212)/CMYK: 0.259, 0.103, 0, 0.168 Anti-Flash White/Hex: #ECEFF8/RGB: (236, 239, 248)/CMYK: 0.048, 0.036, 0, 0.027 Light Silver/Hex: #D1D8E2/RGB: (209, 216, 226)/CMYK: 0.075, 0.044, 0, 0.113 Light Steel Blue/Hex: #B9C8D7/RGB: (185, 200, 215)/CMYK: 0.139, 0.069, 0, 0.156 I believe I am able to make light silver by mixing in other colours but I'm not sure about the rest, I would love some assistance. Thank you in advance.
Hi, Can anyone suggest any easily available (UK) paints that resemble the old citadel armour wash? This one: It’s very thin but very dark and grippy, and colours more of the surface than say Nuln oil, which is more watery and runs into the recesses more, leaving a lot more of the original colour on the raised areas. The armour wash is also ever so slightly metallic, giving the black a nice sheen. I used it to paint my Raven Guard infiltrators but I only have the one 25-year-old pot and am worried I won’t have enough for future projects. To give you an idea of what I need, here’s some of my marines: See the colour of the guns? That’s what the whole model looked like before I armour washed it. That’s the effect I want to create. Any suggestions welcome!
I've been a bit lax in keeping up with updates lately , so this one will be a bit of a catch-up. Recently finished are my two squads of striking scorpions from the Kill Team: Salvation box set: I have also made a fair bit of progress on the other half of the box set, the scouts, along with a gladiator lancer, my kit-bashed Phobos Librarian and a 3d printed Eradicator with multi-melta as this was not an option for the easy build squad I have. I have got most of the base colours down as well as the decals on, which have been sealed with some matt varnish. The Maxx Matt varnish from green stuff world is great through an airbrush, making the decals nice and flat. Next up, I liked the idea of doing a custom Tau Stealth Kill Team, so I purchased the STLs for the Ghost Shrimp models from Pipermakes which have a cool cloaking effect on some of the parts. I used translucent resin to try and give the cloaking effect a partially see trough appearance. I did a couple of tests on spare parts, with the idea being to use liquid mask to mask off these areas of the model and then just use a blue contrast paint into the bare resin with white edge highlight to achieve the effect I want on these areas. I'm quite happy with the test results, hopefully this will look good on the finished models. I also added a couple of spare plastic bits to one of the model to differentiate the leader from the rest of the squad. Alongside these I also have the contents of the Kroot hunting pack box set and a Terminator captain, assembled and primed, ready for painting joining the rest of my painting backlog . That's all for now, hopefully have another update shortly.
- warhammer40k
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Greetings, fellow programs. I've felt motivated to get my Necrons into a full army ready position, having left them to languish in a grey for far too long... thought some were under coated I swear! I'm going to add to this topic but I would be delighted to see what else other people are working on as well. Anyone else motivated by 10th? I'm no good at taking pics, with technology not being my strong suit (ironic huh) but here is what I've completed this week: I need better lighting and will see what I can do I painted their "carapace" parts a dark green, using Nuln Oil gloss over it to deepen things even darker. Edge highlights of lighter greens to ensure depth and make them prettier. Initially used the same lighter green on the contours of the skull shape for the head, but found the latter models looked better with an in-between shade of green (warpstone glow) on the face to make it pop without looking... awful. The early Warriors can stay like that, as they don't look awful. Some of the first Warriors were painted months ago but I finished them and their compatriots a day ago. ***** Next up... I might treat myself to a Skorpekh Lord or maybe the Nightbringer.
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- Army building
- painting
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As the title says! Are you in the process of, or planning to get any new units ready for your Sons of Magnus for 10th edition? Getting them ready to use from the start, or waiting to see what th datacards look like? My 2023 goals include Magnus the Red, so I'm hoping the datacards do him justice, I'll be breaking that box open soon!
Last week, like many of the people here, I embarked on the Call to Arms forum event, (perhaps foolishly) vowing to paint the Tyranid half of the Leviathan box. This is 47 miniatures in 3 months...easy right? Let's see how I got on... The painting started on Saturday night as I drybrushed all the models with White Scar, this didn't take too long and I was set up to move to stage 2 of my process, the green flesh. I use Ork Flesh Contrast paint here: This was the first batch painted, and as the week progressed, more and more were done. So stage 2 is done...and I think I'm going to be focusing on squad level from here on seen with these two: I used Leviathan purple contrast for the bone/armour and aethermatic blue for their brains, which worked out well. End of this week, I'm hoping to have these two ready for basing with the Neurotyrant on his way at the very least. Let's see if I make it that far! Till then, Keep on hobbying!
I'm planning on starting a Thousand Sons army with an alternate sandstone colour scheme for their power armour, what paints/techniques do you all use to achieve that effect?
I was painting some Assault Intercessors tonight and as I got to the last one I had a huh moment. It was when I was painting the bolt pistol holster and had to go between the figure's legs and move my paintbrush upwards to reach. I thought to myself "Huh- why am I painting this area? Who besides me would even know it wasn't painted, even if they picked up the mini?" And this was the tenth figure I had painted tonight and roughly the twenty-something overall that I've done the same way. Just kind of amusing to me, because no one aside from me would ever know that there was a little bit of green basecoat on a leather holster instead of brown, because the way the model is set up you almost have to hold it upside down to see it. Anyone else have any sort of moments that they've thought something like that?
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Since we seems to lake a thread about discussing how to make our traitor members of Loyalist Legions or loyalists members of Traitor Legions. There are lots of other threads where the discussion have appeared but more as a derailing or side discussions. So here we have a thread for explicit talking about how to make you Traitor Ultramarines stand out from their Loyalist brothers, or your Loyalist Night Lords form their traitors and cowards kin on the other side. And how to explain their existance. With that said, here are links to some of the threads where this discussion have happened before: Will poste some of the thoughts and suggestions from those threads here later.
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- Horus Hersy
- horusheresy
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So I'm getting back into the game, last played 4th edition, and couldn't look at my crappy paint job that wasn't even half finished. So I gave everything a new coat of primer and started afresh. The basic game plan is to have a deep blue be the base color of the armor and a medium grey for the fabrics and accents whatever. Then a deep purple for the veterans and commanders to mark them out as nobility. The tanks I think are going to stay blue, but well see if they need to stand out more in the future. I'm debating whether to have the metals be mostly copper instead of steel since the copper color looks great with the blue, but then it kinda looks a little too much like wanna-be Night Lords. Well see, it probably wont matter much but for the tanks since the infantry don't have much metal. My goal is before the end of the month to solidify the color scheme of the guardsmen and to finish the 4 tanks and the sentinel. Long term is to keep motivated. As it sits besides the tanks I've got 60 troopers, 20 veterans, 18 heavy weapon teams, and probably another dozen odd and end officers and such. So a lot to get through and this will be a good way to keep on top of it and to keep basic overhead of the Russ's. I'll get the detail shots as I start doing more than a base coat. Side of my tank commander. Front of the tank commander Sentinel Base coats of blue and metal So happy with day one progress. Got everything primed, all tanks, heavy weapons teams, and infantry. Easy part done. Mostly focused on getting all of the colors on my tank commander to make sure I liked how they all fit together. I'm pretty happy with it. The blue holds for me as a realistic color to be regal without being too showy as an unrealistic target. I don't think I'm going to add purple accents to the tanks, it'd wind up being too much color. Still going to pick the Vet Infantry and Officers in it to help stand em out for game play ease. Now old me would probably give it a once over again for accents like cables and call it, but I want to step it up. So plan for the tank commander is to go over him to cover up and errant brush strokes with the deep blue, then mixing in a small bit of white and doing a highlight on the hard edges of the front and turret of the tank. After that hit the sharp edges of the metal with a light titanium. Then pick out the cables and stuff in red and green to help em pop out a little. Tomorrow is game day so I doubt ill get anything painted since it'll all be on the board, but by the end of the week I want to get the rest of the tanks to at least where the commander is today. Then I'm starting to get past my experience. I want to use a wash after that to help pick out the deeper details again in the cracks of the plates, hinges, tracks, ect. I need some advice on that. I have some matte medium, flow aid, and splatter medium to be able to add and want some advice on ratios for an ink or wash. I'm getting comfortable using it to think out my paints to keep the detail, but have exactly zero experience with washes. I also am not sure if I should be using a deep brown or black to base it on. Black makes sense to me, and nuln oil from gw looks like it to me. But on some of the others I've seen chestnut brown, or like red-brown. whats he best way to tell which I should use? or maybe paint up an extra hull piece and see?
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- Astra Militarum
- Guard
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Hey all, Some time ago we had some fun with these primaris space marine busts. They're nothing official, just some random fan-art that we made a few copies of and gave to the members of our team to paint as they feel like. One of them is this Blood Angels Space Marine, but I think there have also been two Ultramarines, an Imperial Fist and a Salamander (cough cough, see the banner). I'll post them once I have a bit more time, but to kick off in some way, here is the Blood Angels version. Enjoy
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- blood angels
- primaris
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As promised, here is the Imperial Fists version. Enjoy
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Just wondering if anyone is painting grey knights at the moment? a while back Skywrath did a cool painting challenge, was pretty fun and had some participation. wondering if anyone is interested in doing it again. maybe I do some grey knights if people are interested or start my custodes
Iron Warriors Showcase Show us picture of your IV legion models. We can give each other inspiration and make the other legions envy the metals and hazard stripes of the Iron Warriors.