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  1. A Dark Imperium rivalry ignites once more, brother vs brother! Enjoy
  2. Greetings, fellow Sons of Titan! Every week I share another battle report with you all, so I figured I'd just make an ur-thread rather than posting a new topic every week. My name is Icosiel and I make videos about Grey Knights! I focus on battle reports, but I also do some list pondering and hobby stuff on occasion. Here's a link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCud2nvtJBLCnYxLSpV-pjPA I'm fighting against Imperial Knights this weekend, so I made a video about my thoughts on exactly how I am going to beat them. I don't have a lot of anti-tank! Any input would be appreciated!
  3. Tbh, I didn't finish watching this yet, but this looks quite interesting, especially for people without an airbrush (like me :D). It's kind of a promotional video for the Artis Opus drybrushing...errr... brushes, but it still looks like a solid tutorial. It should work with the usual make-up brushes as well anyway.
  4. Movers are currently packing up all my worldly possessions (not my models though, I need those ;-) ) so what better time than now for a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/jO9doQUwd9o This time my Dark Angels take on the Imperial Paladins (running Imperial Fist Tactical Doctrines)! The distress call came in to the Imperial Paladins' headquarters. Their flyer had been shot down with the information they had collected on the mysterious Traitor Astartes they had recently captured. A recovery force was sent to gather back the information since the Inquisition seemed oddly interested in it. They arrived on the scene and began searching for the dataslates when they encountered a Dark Angels force. They hailed them on the Vox to coordinate their efforts. The only response they got was a curt demand for them to leave. Well, that was just not going to happen ... Will the Imperial Paladins recover their information or will the Unforgiven retrieve it "for them" instead? Watch and find out!
  5. As Monday inexorably dawns upon us, let's take a moment to remind ourselves of the important things in life ... Like Warhammer ... So here's a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report to help us remember the important things ... Like Warhammer! https://youtu.be/3EzyMebnNt0 This week my Dark Angels take on the Blood Angels! Bad blood already existed between the two forces. They had clashed before and, while both fought for the Emperor and Mankind, neither really trusted the other. The Blood Angels felt the Dark Angels were not to be trusted and the Dark Angels felt similarly of their Sanguinary brothers. So when the two forces met unexpectedly on a planet, neither felt chatty and neither felt like answering to the other. Soon the bad blood boiled and both sides took up arms to settle the score. Will the Sons of Sanguinius force the answers they want out of their secretive brothers, or will the Unforgiven keep their secrets? Watch and find out!
  6. Gearing up for the move, but I wouldn't want to leave you all hanging, so here's a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report! https://youtu.be/X-wNVZ7ezrE This time my Dark Angels take on the Adeptus Mechanicus! The mysterious piece of technology had resisted all scans up until this point. No one knew quite what it was capable of doing. The one general consensus was that it should remain dormant. So when a rogue element of the Adeptus Mechanicus threatened to power up the device, an emergency call was made for anyone able to stop them. The Dark Angels recieved that call and made their way to the planet. The possible fate of the entire galaxy at stake. Will the Unforgiven be able to stop the Ad Mech forces from powering up the device, or will the followers of the Omnissiah help the technology realize its potential? Watch and find out!
  7. It's Monday, so here is a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report! https://youtu.be/qXfDlmDgvBo But not just ANY Glacial Geek Battle Report, it's my 150th Battle Report! ... But I didn't know it at the time I was filming it so no mention of that fact is made in video! This week my Dark Angels and Deathwatch team up to take on the White Scars. It seemed like any other mission done in the name of the Emperor. The Deathwatch had asked the Dark Angels for assistance in cleansing a planet of Xenos, which they were more than happy to do. All seemed to be going according to plan until their forces came under attack. The white ceramite of the White Scars' armor shone as they sprung their trap and began to assail the Dark Angels and Deathwatch Marines. Little was left but to respond in kind ... Will the Unforgiven and Shield Who Slay prove a potent enough allied force to counter the White Scar assault, or will the Khan lead his men successfully into battle? Watch and find out!
  8. With the total eclipse of the sun possibly foretelling of the end of humanity, why not sit back and watch a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/pVmycy1iopI This week my Dark Angels take on the Emperor's Children! The vile Emperor's Children had been operating out of this planet for a while now. The human populous had been enslaved and subjected to their depraved whims. On top of all this, a band of the Fallen had been cooperating with the Emperor's Children and operating out of this planet as well. With this in mind, the Dark Angels decided that the people on this planet needed liberation ... And obviously a debriefing. Will the Unforgiven free the people of this planet and get the information they want, or will the Emperor's Children repel the assault and continue to reign over this planet? Watch and find out!
  9. Another Friday rolls around and with it comes a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report! https://youtu.be/sAShdIpVTJc This time my Dark Angels take on Space Marines running the Raven Guard tactics! The Inquisition orders were clear. The Azurdon were supposed to arrive on planet, enforce, to retrieve the Heresy era technology the scans had located. The Space Marines were tasked with retrieval of the device at all costs. When they arrived in orbit and began to deploy, the reasons for specifically being sent with strong numbers became evident. The Dark Angel Cruiser refused their vox calls and scans showed a large number of the First Legion on the planet. The Azurdon circled up to protect the devise and accomplish their mission. Will the Inquisition get what they want, or will the Unforgiven retrieve it instead? Watch and find out!
  10. It's approximately a billion degrees here in Savannah, so what better way to spend the day than indoors watching a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report? https://youtu.be/JAqWdNXYfMk This time my Dark Angels take on the Adeptus Mechanicus! Archeotech from the Heresy is prized by many, especially those of the Adeptus Mechanicus. So when word of a Hersy Era battle barge popping out of the warp and breaking up over an Imperial planet reached Belisarious Cawl, he immediately responded to gather what he could. When word reached the Rock that it was a Dark Angels Heresy Era Battle Barge, they responded just as quickly themselves. Will the forces of Mars be able to gather the technology and information being strewn across the planet, or will the Unforgiven be able to get there first and keep any secrets they find to themselves? Watch and find out!
  11. Exciting times for the Glacial Geek! Just started my Patreon Campaign and I finally get to film my first Battle Report in Georgia today! But excitement besides, it is Monday which means a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report coming at you! https://youtu.be/wpBsQIwgolly geeM This time my Dark Angels take on the insidious Alpha Legion and Heretics and Renegades (oh my!). The call went out seeking aide. The planet was being overwhelmed by a rebellion led by a Chaos cult. The Heretics, joined by renegades from the local Planetary Defense Force, had risen up to over throw the local Planetary Governor. The Dark Angels answered the call and arrived on planet in force. When they landed, they soon realized that the Chaos rabble were being bolstered by Traitor Marines. More specifically, by members of the Alpha Legion. Will the Ruinous Powers claim yet another Imperial planet, or will the Unforgiven be able to quash this uprising by followers of the Dark Gods? Watch and find out! And of course a reminder that if you want to see the videos early, I post them to my Patreon for Patrons before making them public! https://www.patreon.com/TheGlacialGeek
  12. Another week dawns, ushering in another full week until the weekend ... What better way to help ease that pain than a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/sN2kxbf2qQc This week my Dark Angels take on the Adeptus Mechanicus! The message ended with "return our lost assets." That was how the Adeptus Mechanicus ended a "request" for assistance. The Librarian crumpled up the missive and hand handed it back to the serf who had brought it to him, "What more should we expect from those who sold their souls for machinery?" He walked down the corridor in the Dark Angels Battle Barge towards the quarters of his fellow Epistolary so they could discuss this latest mission. Mars wanted them to drop to this planet and find out what had happened to an Ad Mech force that had stopped responding to communications. Seemed simple enough, but he knew that Mars shared as little as possible with those outside their Cult of the Ommnissiah and anything they said hid layers of secrets. He knew that should they proceed wantonly that the truth behind this "request" would only be discovered when it was too late ... Will the Dark Angels be able to locate and return the lost Adeptus Mechanicus force, or will the secrets of the Ommnissiah prove more deadly than they appear? Watch and find out!
  13. The 8th Edition Hype Train keeps on chugging along! In keeping with this (and my desire to play a bunch of games to get the rules down) we have another FULL Glacial Geek 8th Edition Battle for you today! https://youtu.be/gfdhF6xlqBE This time my Dark Angels and Assassins take on the Necrons! When the Necron Tombworld awoke, the planet's fate had been sealed. The only survivors would be those who managed to escape off world before the Tide of Living Metal overran them. A line was drawn in the sand, beyond which the Necron forces would not be allowed to cross ... For as long as possible. The valiant forces of the Dark Angels, with the help of some Assassins, would be the best hope for the people of this planet to escape. Will the combined Imperial Forces be enough to stall the Necrons long enough to allow the citizens to escape, or will the tide of Living Metal prove too much for the Unforgiven to hold off? Watch and find out!
  14. Monday? More like FUNday when you have a brand-new Glacial Geek Battle Report! https://youtu.be/S5XVpdno1hw This week my Genestealer Cult take on the Salamanders! The call came in with an urgent message. The local Planetary Defense Force had been overrun and anarchy had taken over. Imperial Society was on the verge of collapse. The rebellion seemed to be led by a Genestealer Cult. Normally this call would be sent on to the Deathwatch, experts in purging the Alien, but this case was special. The planet in question was in the same system as Nocturn, the homeworld for the Salamanders. They could not allow a planet so close to their home to fall to vile xenos worshipers. Vulkan He'Stan himself rallied a force to go and liberate the planet. Would the Salamanders be able to root out the Cult and bring order back to the planet, or would the Four-Armed God gain another planet ripe for a Hive Fleet? Watch and find out!
  15. As another week ends, so does your wait for a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report! https://youtu.be/wovBUHu1G7E This week my Dark Angels take on the Tyranids! The planet had been overrun by the ravening hordes of xenos. The Tyranids had slaughtered the Imperial defenders and anyone who was still alive had evacuated the planet. It was a lost cause and the Imperial Navy was preparing to Exterminatus the planet to try and deny the Hive Fleet the biomass. But an urgent request was made. There was dataslate on the planet that might well contain the key to stopping the Hive Fleet and preventing any more planets facing a similar fate to this one. A force of Dark Angels, in the sector to provide their strength in fighting off the Tyranids, was assembled and tasked with one job. Retrieve that dataslate at all costs. Will the Unforgiven be able to retrieve the data to help stop the Hive Fleet, or will the Hive Mind prove too overwhelming for them to handle? Watch and find out!
  16. Friday: the day when the work week finally surrenders to the sweet Siren's Call of the Weekend! What better way to celebrate that than a brand-new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/KoVPRsfOh6U This week my Dark Angels take on the Astra Militarum! The orders were clear. This planet needed to be razed to the ground. The entire populous had been declared Hereticus. But the guns of the tank regiment were not firing. Their Tank Commander stood beside his tank, the dead body of the Commissar sprawled out on the ground beside him. He looked across the field at the children playing soccer and smiled. "Sir," his adjutant injected, shaking him from his reverie, "We have confirmation of a Dark Angels Battle Barge arriving in orbit. No communications from them yet." The Tank Commander sighed, "I don't expect we will be getting any after the Commissar's last message." He glared down at the body, a grimace still locked in his lifeless face, "Ready the tanks. Today we fight for the people of this planet." Will the former Imperial Guardsmen be able to hold off the Dark Angels assault, or will the might of the Unforgiven prove too much for them to weather? Watch and find out!
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