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I think I wound up painting 3 different armies last year so having different threads seemed a bit much. Current armies are: Chaos Space Marines, paint and play Chaos Knights, paint and play Dark Angels, paint and ebay (i didnt really like the playstyle) It's been a long time since I've updated anyways, so this will help to keep me disciplined on progress beyond just the annual paint challenge.
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Well, its certainly been a hot minute this time hasn't it. I'm not really sure where 2024 went but I didn't get an awful lot done last year, and I'm determined to do things better this time! Last year I progressed a bit more with the Leviathan boxset, and by year's end had just eleven space marines left to do. Which sounds good until you consider that in my last post that number was eighteen and that the space marine contingent started off at twenty four. Yeah, I didn't hobby well. There's a lot of reasons I could give as to why this was the case but it doesn't change the fact that it happened. That's why I want to try and do better this year. To that end, I'm looking at setting myself some challenges. These will be aimed to either do something I've not done ever while also tackling my pile of potential. Let's dive in to it shall we: First challenge: Complete Leviathan Yes, a hold over from last year. This one should be obvious yet the most easiest as all that's left is to finish the Sternguard Veterans and the last five Infernus Marines. The Sternguard are currently at this stage- They've been base coated, washed, had the blue, white relayered. The Sargent has even had further work with his tabard and helmet getting cleaned up. The Infernus Marines are blue, not much to say there. With that in mind, I'm wanting to try something that was suggested to me in the Forums, that of barrel drilling! I've loaned a small drill for a different task (more on that one in a bit), just need to see if I've got the right size bits. Of all the challenges I've got planned, this is the one giving me pause. Had I done this before undercoating anything, I think it'd be easier to get my head around on doing. The second challenge is probably the hardest painting wise. Simply put, I'm painting a Primarch. Lion'el Johnson to be precise, and I'm not just doing it once, I'm doing it twice. See, I got him as part of my desire to collect loyalist primarchs (pretty easy since there is only two of them so far!) However my son also wanted and got him as part of his dark angels army. Benefit here is that in keeping with the rest of his army, he wants winged helmet, while I'm going bare head all the way. Once they're done, my aim is to paint Dark Angels till July comes around. Third a presumption on my part, that there's going to be another Call to Arms event. If there is, it's bug time once again. I've been slowly expanding my Tyranids with 9 more Leapers, a full brood of Hormagaunts and a Hive Tyrant. The Hive Tyrant is the reason I got the drill. Someone at my FLGS suggested that by magnetising all the weapon options and wings, and using the Winged Tyrant legs and tail, that I could have my cake and eat it. I would have a modular Hive Tyrant that could serve as a normal one, a winged one and the Swarmlord if I also do the head (if I can). My original option was just to buy a torso piece from somewhere and have two Hive Tyrants...May still do that, comments are welcome! I'm still tempted to grab a few more bugs to add to the pile maybe a Tyrannofex or a Biovore, maybe one of the new Lictors. Got six months to figure out what I want! After September...depends on how things turn out GW release schedule wise. If a certain faction of Space Marine is released, my nids will finally have their true base rivals (i like to base my armies in opposing pairs, Ultramarines vs Necron, Tyranids vs...well, let's see). Though GW may not get much more money out of me due to another company entering the tabletop market with a franchise I love, I'm sure there's plenty of painting in my future. My plan is to update the blog whenever I hit a milestone (like finishing these bloody Sternguard for instance!) Till next time! (Will hopefully not be another year!)
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+DataRequest: HIVEFLEET\NIHILUS\LEVIATHAN\JABBERWOCKY... ... ... +INQUISITORIAL SANCTION REQUIRED.... ...=][= +ACCESS GRANTED. WELCOME BACK INQUISITOR... ++HIVE FLEET JABBERWOCKY++ Welcome to my attempt to get into the Hive. I have a small Tyranid army from a long time ago that never really got off the ground when I discovered chaos, but I've always wanted to have one. Now, 8th 9th ed, and being out of uni and having a real job means all my wishes come true. After reading the WHCommunity article on nids, and feeling some of the buzz, I went and picked up a Start Collecting! set from a GW, and then managed to score the last Brood Progenitor in stock at my FLGS. Between these and all the Tyranids that come bundled with Blood Angels boxed sets, I have a decent force to start me off. ++The Current Disposition of Hive Fleet Jabberwocky++ Assembled/Undercoated/Painted Leader Beasts (HQ) 'The Consuming Wraith' - Hive Tyrant Warrior Prime (1) 'The Wail of Ballan'Tar' - Neurothrope Trygon Prime (1) Tervigon (1) Neurotyrant (1) Tyranid Prime with Wings (1) Ymgarl Strain (Genestealers) Brood Lord 'The Icharan Dread' (1) Genestealers (16) Brood Beasts (Troops) Warrior Brood (3) Termagant Brood with Fleshborers (20) Termagant Brood with Devourers (16) Hormagaunt Brood (25) Gargoyles (10) Ripper Swarm (3) Barbgaunts (5) Neurogaunts (11) Specialist Genus (Elites) Lictors (3) Zoanthrope Brood (6) Venomthrope on foot (1) Venomthrope Brood (3) Von Ryan's Leapers (3) Maleceptor (1) Harassment Species (Fast Attack) Spore Mines (24) Ravener Swarm (6) A Parasite of Mortrex (1) Destroyer Beasts (Heavy Support) Hive Guard (3) Screamer Killer (1) 'The Elder Talon' - Tyrannofex Hive Guard Alpha Pack - note dermal enhancements (3) Carnifex (1) Belial's Bane - Exocrine/Haruspex (1) Mawloc (1) Screamer Killer (1) Psychophage (1) Flyer/Transport Harpy (1) Tyrannocyte (1) The following Imperial forces have lost troops and materiels to the onslaught of the Hive Fleet Leviathan Tendril designated 'Jabberwocky': The Blood Angels; The Grey Lizards; Drukhari Raiding Force; Custodes; The Emperor's Children; Cadians; Orks Imperial Knights My big grey pile of Nids to paint ------------------- Original First Post My initial messing around with schemes, which are spoilered below if anyone wants to see I ended up settling on the blue skin, white carapace scheme, but with a little purple in the recesses. Currently to my name, I have a painted Hormagaunt, Warrior and Ripper Swarm. Thanks for looking!
When 10th Ed dropped I decided to try and paint up the nids as an exercise in painting quickly and efficiently with good results. Heavy use of Contrast and Xpress paints. Here are the results of my Labour.
From the album: Predators (Raven Guard Successors)
- Raven Guard
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From the album: Predators (Raven Guard Successors)
- Raven Guard
- Raven Guard Succesors
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From the album: Predators (Raven Guard Successors)
- Raven Guard
- Raven Guard Succesors
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From the album: Predators (Raven Guard Successors)
- Raven Guard
- Raven Guard Succesors
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From the album: Predators (Raven Guard Successors)
- Raven Guard
- Raven Guard Succesors
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After reading / seeing the first pics of the Leviathan box I decided I wanted to put together my own Hive Fleet. To scratch the itch I picked up a box of Termagants and a Brood Lord. Which lead to the first challenge - what colour scheme should I use? So, after a lot of head scratching this is what I came up with : And with all of their new friends - The box arrived Friday morning and I was lucky enough to have a quiet weekend. Now which ones do I paint first…. Hmmmm…….
++Screamer-Killer++ We have a new unit of the week! An updated classic the screamer killer. love it hate it? does it fill any gaps in your army? let us know, To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)? And at what points restrictions? What size unit? Will you be running multiple units? What Enhancements, Hyper Adaptations and Stratagems do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices? Are you buffing this unit? If so, how?
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- unit of the week
- screamer killer
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- Tyranids
- Hive Fleet Leviathan
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From the album: E Tenebrae Lux 2019
- Tyranids
- Hormagaunt
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Hello folks, It's been a while. Haven't had much time or drive to do anything 40k-related in the past couple of years but I made a few purchases here and there, and the Pile of Grey grows larger. To try and combat that, I've set myself the task to paint every couple of days and to paint the stuff that I feel like painting. In the past, I've always pushed myself to paint models for a specific project with a relatively strict deadline and it never really worked out. I'm hoping this new, more fluid/flexible approach will work better. Anyway, to start us off, I've been painting some Tyranids recently. I got the Leviathan box last year and slowly built up a 1000-point army list for an escalation league in the late summer that petered out after a few weeks. Now, in 2024, a friend of mine is getting into 40k with a fledgling Deathwatch army and I've felt motivated to put some paint onto my Tyranids with the hope that we'll be able to organise a game for some point next month. Here's the result of the first few painting sessions: - 10 Termagants - a Winged Tyranid Prime I'm currently working on the Screamer-Killer from the Leviathan box. I've also got plans to work on some Adeptus Titanicus scale models, some Necromunda gangers, and some Space Marines for both 30k and 40k. Thanks for reading this far; take care!
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Tyranids Zahhak - Tyranid Splinter Fleet (927M41)
Mike Zulu posted a blog entry in The Strifes of the Matteus Subsector
Introduction Splinter fleet Zahhak was part of a much larger Tyranid hive fleet that entered the galaxy from below the galactic plane, which would be designated Leviathan in 997M41. Zahhak first entered the Matteus Subsector in 927M41 and struck the various worlds within, focusing on the worlds within the Matteus Epsilon system. However, the relatively remote location and the resilience of the native flora prevented the Splinter Fleet from breaking out into the neighbouring subsectors and the greater Segmentum. Combined with a timely Imperial response to the Tyranid incursion, Splinter Fleet Zahhak was crushed after several months, reduced it to nothing more than a seasonal pest for the two Imperial worlds. A Tyranid swarm charges the Imperial defences on Barbed Gate. Splinter Fleet Zahhak’s appearance, galactic movements and strategic behaviour was very similar to Leviathan, which was the reasoning for being later designated as the same Hive Fleet in 999M41. What distinguished Zahhak from the bulk of Leviathan was inception into the galaxy seventy years ahead of the rest of Leviathan. Additionally, many bioforms were identified in Zahhak that had not been recorded in the First Tyrannic War, and most have not been seen since. It is theorised by members of the Ordo Xenos and other Imperial biologists that this splinter fleet was more experimental than its bulk, and was assessing potential attack vectors before committing itself to a wide-scale invasion through the galactic plane. Unique bioforms that have been sighted among Zahhak’s forces; some of which have yet to be sighted in other Hive Fleets. Sometime after the galactic invasion of Hive Fleet Leviathan in 997M41, Splinter Fleet Zahhak would be re-designated as Hive Fleet Leviathan Splinter “34-Omicron”, and remembered by the Imperium as a lesser conflict with the Tyranid species. Some of the bioforms unique to Zahhak would reemerge in Leviathan and other hive fleets, albeit with variations and improvements. A Tyranid Mawloc (above) and a Hive Crone (below), of Splinter Fleet Zahhak. Both bear similar markings to Hive Fleet Leviathan. The Invasion of the Matteus Epsilon System Hive Fleet Zahhak made planetfall on the two Imperial civilised worlds of Black Jewel and Barbed Gate in the Matteus Epsilon system, in 927M41. The alarm was raised by Inquisitor Malethann of the Ordo Xenos, thanks to the efforts of Kill Team Rapier on the outer reaches of the system. They confirmed the presence of a Tyranid hive fleet en route to Barbed Gate from below the star system plane. The sudden incursion of Tyranids so far from the Eastern Fringe (the locale of what would be known as the First Tyrannic War) prompted a drastic response from Battlefleet Agripinaa and the local Astra Militarum regiments. A Black Templars crusade fleet that had been using Matteus Epsilon as a refueling and rearming station also heeded the call and declared the beginning of the "Barbed Gate Crusade". Finally, Kill Team Rapier and members of the Ordo Xenos were involved for the more complex assignments, namely assassinations and recovery of key Tyranid alphas and synapse creatures. A Black Templars strike force engages Zahhak in a spearhead assault, in the wildlands of Barbed Gate. The Tyranid splinter fleet quickly found itself in a ruthless conflict with not only the human defenders, but also the hardy and protruding flora of Barbed Gate and Black Jewel, for which even the ravenous xenos were under-prepared to consume. These difficulties saw Zahhak easily divided and cut off from the bulk of their hive species, making them easy prey for the Imperial forces. The effective culling of the various synapse creatures and leaders, thanks to the efforts of Kill Team Rapier, also saw the efficacy of the splinter fleet's strategies and tactics significantly weaken over time. Eventually, after several months, the splinter fleet had found itself disconnected from the Hive Mind; the Tyranids bioforms of Zahhak reverted to their base instincts, and took refuge in the barbed foliage native to Barbed Gate and Black Jewel. They ceased to be a true threat to the Imperium, reduced to nothing more than a season pest to the human controlled worlds. But with the ever increasing number of Tyranid hive fleets entering the galaxy in the decades to come, it is likely a question of when, not if, the remnants of Splinter Fleet Zahhak will rejoin the Hive Mind... The Tyranid Prime known as the the “Caustic Menace”, is ambushed by Kill Team Rapier within the protruding flora native to Barbed Gate.- 1 comment
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From the album: Tyranids
- Tyranids
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From the album: Tyranids
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From the album: Tyranids
- Tyranids
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From the album: Tyranids
- Tyranids
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From the album: Tyranids - Leviathan Splinter Fleet
Starting Picture for Leviathan Fleet -
From the album: Tyranids
Coming back from a bit of a hobby break and going to make a filthy filthy but deadly, Xenos army for 10th, while dipping in and out on my Black Templars. But need a break from power armour, at least for a bit, blasphemy I know :P I had collected Tyranids many many years ago but fizzled out and lost interest, hopefully this time that won't happen. Starting big, seen this kitbash around the internet here and there and instantly wanted to build one while I wait for 10th box to drop. Had to search high and low to find a Maleceptor/toxicrene kit. Done some work already, removed the straps, chaos symbol and filed and filled where the skull pop out through the skin/flesh. Some cleaning to do, but ready for the building to commence. Used the molded on armour plates on the side as chitin for now, if they don't fit in with the finished body will remove, A Dremel drill with a filing ball attachment came in really handy with this part of the process. Oops, looks like I forgot to get rid of some rivets.
The Tyranids Index/Datasheets are available for download Happy nomming!