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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment

From the lighting and the tempest, Our Emperor, deliver us.

Well the challenge of the Order of the Valorous Heart Adepta Sororitas vs @Entropomancer's League of Votann is set for August 26th. We decided to drop points to 1k as we are still learning rules for Armies. Plus this way I can try to play multiple games before having to pick up GF at airport.  I did get my My Adepta Sororitas Data cards, which are becoming a must have of late.  I pulled out my Army out of the glass cabinet the other day to see what I actually need to build to be 10th edition com


W.A.Rorie in Adepta Sororitas

How I changed my mind about Balance Dataslate

Disclaimer: This is a personal and obviously biased point of view. I am addicted to GW products and Lore. But I am convinced that there are game design issues, a recurring pattern of “failing by design” approach in 40k rules, almost independently from the editions concerned. When did it start? For my when 7th Ed hit the ground… Feel free to comment, to add arguments in order to make me change my mind (you will see that this is a starting point of this Blog entry – how I (partially) changed my mi


Bouargh in Edito

Grand Army part 4

Hello Frateris,   Today I am discussing the 4th Installment of my Grand Army Idea.  Part 1 covered my Inquistorial Forces, Part 2 were the Scions, Part 3 Sisters of Silence. While this is covering my Grand Army idea, right now the internal debate is do I add Order of the Valorous Heart Adepta Sororitas army and My Raptor Space Marines to the Grand Army or leave them as separate forces that are planet side (Adepta Sororitas) and reconnaissance force (Raptors). One of my many upcoming pr


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

BatRep: WHFest Alpha Legion v Custodes

Mission Dominion, Diagonal Deployment   Forces Alpha legion Army List   Custodes Valdor Blade Champion 3x terminators 4x 5 man custodian squads   Achillus Dread - Spear 3x Caladius - 2x anti infantry, 1x anti tank   5 objectives were put in no mans land, and we hadprogressive scoring so 1VP at the start of your turn per objective, giving me the immediate advantage with my infiltrators.    I lost the roll off for depl


Xenith in Battle Report

Tournament AAR: Gamer's Guild RTT 8/12

Record: 1-2 (LWL) Placing: #13 (out of 21)   Summary My opponents were two Orks and an Imperial Knight, in that order. I split with the Orks and dropped the IK game. The major takeaways for me are that I need to work on "Player-Placed Terrain" and deployment. Ignoring my win, I think I did not place my terrain well enough to protect my most important units and/or allow me to get out onto objectives early. Against the first Ork player, I fell behind on primary early, which was


toaae in Competitive

More blades for Khunara!

So i need to finish basing all of these, but just imagine a load of jungle plants :P  367439393_10161035249380797_6886977331874889056_n  Continuing progress for the Khunara campaign event at the start of September, ive blitzed through the models ive been slowly assembling that dont need any 3d printed bits, not sure i need this many executioner blades for my proposed list, but really can you have too many Anathema wielding 6 foot razors?  367415134_10161035249495797_3521012287563452164_n 


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

Call to Arms 2023 - Week 6 Progress Report

After completing my 3 vows in the Xenos´ Stronghold, it is time to focus on some more Imperium related stuff. As I still experience some delivery delays for the miniatures ordered to increase my Adeptus Mechanicus Force (my New Year/New Army Project), I went to see why I could recover from my crates of long forgotten minis... Let´s see what I found:   - Lots of WFB minis - out of scope - Few Fantasy Ral Partha minis - out of scope too - 6 Spore mines - if only I had found the


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms: Week 6

Week 6 of Call to Arms has come and gone, and if my maths is correct, this is the half way point!   This week I technically didn't get that much painting done, but I finished stuff, like these Von Ryan's Leapers: I tried to have a transition going on with the top most scything talons, and it sort of worked, well, worked enough that I set about trying it again on this fella: Can't see it at this angle but I darkened (with extra layers of Leviathan purple) the point


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Vroom vroOOom Squats !!!

This one was not on the rooster of mine.   Yet, because of an unexpected event (need to find a cardbox to ship a sold item on Wallapop),  I encountered a small platic bag, full of lead and white metal scrap. Among these scraps, an SCT! By SCT I meant a  never assemblied Squat Guild Trike.   So, here is my third vow: assemble, paint and base this piece of hobby´s history. I guess it will be enlisted for the Leagues of Votann.     The molding is quite detail


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Pre-RTT briefing (Gamer's Guild 8/12)

Location: Gamer's Guild in Tempe, AZ (website) Format: 3-game Rogue Trader Tournament No painting requirements; all players get the 10 points for battleforged Player placed terrain   List: Comp v2.0 Beastboss Beastboss on Squigasaur (w/ Headwhoppa's Killchoppa) Kaptin Badrukk Mozrog Skragbad Warboss (w/ Follow Me, Ladz) 2x 10 Beast Snagga Boyz 10 Boyz 10 Flash Gitz 3x 11 Gretchin 10 Nobz


toaae in Competitive

First 1,000 Pt Games

First game of 10th Edition!!!   Note: This was played before some clarifications were made, so Demo Charges are one time use, the 3” ambush nerf wasn’t in effect yet, and I was playing the Nexos as being able to use the 2 CP strat for free (oops!).   I took a very basic list, mostly the contents of the Boarding Party and Combat Patrol, adding in a Ridgerunner, Nexos, and Biophagus for spice.   Neophytes x20 (Mining Laser, Grenade Launcher, Banner) --Nexus --Prim


Gaston in Games

What's in a name..?

While you can find some painting updates in my painting log over in the Works in Progress forum, I'm currently working on a piece that will set out some of the background of the Ashen Sentinels - but before I post that I just wanted to write a little about my process and 'inspiration' for choosing names when I'm doing this.    For the names I've chosen for some of the Chapter's Captains, my starting point has been some local history. My home county is Suffolk, which has a few castles s

A spiritu dominatus, Domine, libra nos,

So I recently got challenged by my long time opponent @Entropomancer for 10th ed 1500 pt game Votaan vs my Adepta Sororitas of the Order of the Valorous Heart. This will be an interesting fight, as I have never fought Votann. So I have been devising lists, thinking what I would take and not take.  Looking at my collection, I have to reallocate models and bring it current to 10th standards...ugh. I need to get them up to 10th standards as most of group has not faced my style Adepta Sororitas army


W.A.Rorie in Adepta Sororitas

Call to Arms: Week 5

A quick update this week!   Last week was spent working on batches of Termagaunts and a couple of Barbagaunts, and this week....I spent working on the last batches of Termagaunts and Barbagaunts!   The 3rd batch begins:   By now, everything is running like clockwork on these, so within a day, I had them at this point: and then the 4th batch from here: to here:   By the end, It took me two sessions (roughly 1 hour a session


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Week 5 Progress report

Today´s progress report deals with the based Warlock Conclave (of last week) and the 10 Storm Guardians.       The converted Skyrunner Farseer is something like 50% painted, leaving me very very (very) close of completing this second vow. Ideally, I´d like to be able to close it this week, It will leave time for enlisting more stuff in the Challenge, but it will not be any kind of new vow for Xenos. I ran out of Xenos to be painted atm   - 10 Storm Gu


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Legion land raider proteus

Hey all so I have an update, just finished priming my very first land raider proteus and I had a lot of fun building it and getting it ready for when my paints and brushes show up.  Here’s a quick picture of it and in the wings I’m working on a spartan, but I have set myself the goal of building it then waiting to get it started until I’m happy with the land raider.  


Derekj487 in Hobby

The start of a journey

Hello all, well just a quick back story, a year ago I exclaimed to my loving wife that I was done with the hobby of warhammer I wasn’t enjoying myself and I had become fed up with it all, so I sold my entire collection of models paints brushes and pallets, and for a year I was very content ignoring the hobby, but slowly ever so slowly I got that itch to look at models and think man those are cool and what not, so after a trip to the UK I went into a games-workshop on a whim in the city of Glasgo


Derekj487 in Hobby

First 1,000 Pt Lists

Now that I have a solid base of models assembled and painted, it’s time to enter the dojo!   I’ll be starting out at 1,000 pts, understanding that lower point levels do tend to warp the balance of the game. Not to mention I am fairly restricted by model collection, so no waves of 6 units of 20 Neophytes, sorry. Also, given the way that Cult Ambush works, I suspect that this ability could be abused to really warp balance in favor of GSC at lower points, as at 1000 pts most armies just h


Gaston in GSC Dojo

Thinking about expanding the Host - Part 2

As introduced in my previous BLog entry, I am thinking into expending my Saim Hann host but I still don´t know which way I will follow. Among the ways I foresee there are the extentions of my battleline units (see Part I) and/or getting more Jetbikes.   So, let´s dive into Jetbikes now. As previously the comparison will be based on the units of both Aeladri and Dark kins nits. I will exclude the Shinning Spears though, as I alredy get one of those and do not really foresee ge


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Grand Army part 3

So continuing the Idea of my Grand Army, todays focus will be Sisters of Silence. With the limited options available to the Sisters of Silence this will be the smallest army of my Grand Army at only 325 pts.    Sisters of Silence (325 pts)   Knight-Centura (based on Aleya Black Library model) Prosecutors 5 woman x2 Vigilators 5 woman  Witchseekers 5 woman   I have not been set on paint scheme but leaning towards gold, red robes and white interi


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

Thinking about expanding the Host - Part 1

I am thinking into expending my Saim Hann host but I still don´t know which way I will follow. There are different stuff that I like in the Eldars, all tastes together: Character and aesthetic of their infantery, especially the Core Jet bikes Versatility and cross bridging that goes with the various subfactions that can be combined (Craftworlds, Corsairs, Harlies and even Dark kins through the Ynnari option)          Now that I reach a point wher


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Progress and Warlocks

This WE overall progress for my second Vow is reflecting important progress - weathe rhas been bad so I had time to kill...:   - 10 Storm Guardians - 10 pts - on-going - 10 Dire Avengers - 10 pts - done - 1 Skyrunner Farseer - 5 pts  - 2 Vypers - 6 pts - done - 1 Falcon - 6 pts - done - 2 Warlocks - 10 pts - done - 1 Autarch - 5 pts - done - 3 Shining spears - 6pts - Full repaint job - done - 1 converted Venom - 3pts to be placed into the list of


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms: Week 4

Week 4 has come and gone, so what did I do? Paint gaunts.   It took one session to complete the 1st batch (of 5 Termagaunts and 1 Barbagaunt) from where I left them last week: So with reckless abandon, I started the next batch straight away   There was nothing new that happened with the 2nd batch other than deciding to do two Barbagaunts now instead of later. I spent a lot of time going around and fixing mistakes where I found them, trying to eradicate white g
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