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  1. Version 1.0.0


    This article first appeared as a reply in a discussion about the ranks of the Black Templars Chapter officers and how they compared with the officers in other Adeptus Astartes chapters, debunking the oft-asserted myth that Black Templars marshals are greater than Codex captains and/or equivalent to Codex chapter masters. This article has been corrected, expanded, and updated. You can view the article here. You can participate in the discussion on this article/file here.
  2. On the Marshals of the Black Templars and Their Potency By Brother Tyler This article first appeared as a reply in a discussion about the ranks of the Black Templars Chapter officers and how they compared with the officers in other Adeptus Astartes chapters, debunking the oft-asserted myth that Black Templars marshals are greater than Codex captains and/or equivalent to Codex chapter masters. This article has been corrected, expanded, and updated. Many Black Templars players assume that just because a crusade might include several hundred members, the rank of the commanding officer scales up over that of a Codex captain, to the point where players sometimes assert that a Black Templars marshal is equivalent to the chapter master in other chapters. Crusades are commanded by marshals regardless of their size, whether only 50 Black Templars in number or up to several hundred (again, allowing for the exception of the High Marshal leading a crusade). In many Black Templars crusades, there are subordinate elements called fighting companies, and these are led by a castellan and may vary in size, up to and including a fighting company that rivals or exceeds a company in a Codex chapter (in a large crusade). A Black Templars crusade is generally led by a marshal (though the High Marshal also leads crusades) and may be anywhere from as few as 50 to several hundred members (sometimes over a thousand). Very large crusades can look like under-strength Codex chapters, and the largest known crusade was the Armageddon Crusade led by High Marshal Helbrecht, aggregating three previously existing crusades into a single crusade. We know that there have been other crusades exceeding one thousand Black Templars because the lore tells us so, but we don’t know how many there have been in the chapter’s history. Regardless, while crusades can be very large, the number of crusades exceeding a Codex chapter in size can probably be considered exceptional, and these are most likely led by the High Marshal (though it’s quite possible that some have been led by marshals). The mistake Black Templars players typically make is in comparing a Black Templars Crusade with a Codex chapter’s company. In a Codex chapter, a company is led by a captain and consists of ten squads of ten battle brothers, along with some HQ elements. This is comparable to many crusades as well as some larger fighting companies in terms of absolute numbers, if not in organization. The more accurate comparison for a Black Templars crusade, however, is with a Codex chapter’s detachment. Often, Codex chapters deploy detachments that consist of multiple companies, rivalling the largest known crusades of the Black Templars (except the thousand+ crusades, for obvious reasons). These detachments, too, will be commanded by a captain (as well as the Chapter Master, on occasion). “Detachment” is just one of the names that might be appended to this type of deployment, with many others also being used, including names such as “strike force,” “crusade,” “task force,” and others. The Badab War provides several great examples. The information below comes from Imperial Armour Volume Nine – The Badab War – Part One and Imperial Armour Volume Ten – The Badab War – Part Two. Information on the chapters that participated in their entirety – the traitorous Astral Claws, Lamenters, and Mantis Warriors, as well as a few of the loyalists (Fire Hawks, Minotaurs, and Star Phantoms). Carcharodons (led by Captain*) “In size [the Carcharodons] forces were of a rough approximation of six Space Marine Companies, led by their baleful ‘First Captain’ Tyberos… It has not been ascertained whether this force comprised the whole or a part of the Carcharodons’ full Chapter strength, and it may indeed be the case that the Carcharodons themselves did not know the fate of any other sub-fleets of their Chapter still roaming the void.” * The title of ‘First Captain’ is often given to the Captain of the First Company in a Codex chapter, but it might also mean a chapter master, especially in cases where the two roles are performed by the same person (e.g., the chapter master of the Crimson Fists Chapter also serves as the Captain of the First Company, called the ‘Crusade Company’ while the chapter master of the Salamanders Chapter leads that chapter’s First Company, the ‘Firedrakes’). Executioners (led by High Chaplain) “The Executioners Chapter deployed to the Badab War in two distinct stages, the first of which was as a strike force comprising a reinforced 3rd Company commanded by Captain Vanir Hex… The second wave would comprise the balance of the Chapter’s forces except their 2nd Company … and roughly half of their 10th Company…. The total force consisted of roughly seven companies in active strength… This Executioners force, under the direct command of the High Chaplain Thulsa Kane, was fully engaged in the Badab War in early 907.M41.” It should be noted here that the chapter master of the Executioners committed suicide instead of joining the rest of his Chapter, knowing that they sided with the Astral Claws as a matter of debt to that chapter and that they were on the wrong side of the Imperium. Had he not committed suicide, he would have led the chapter during the Badab War. Exorcists (led by Captain) “The Exorcists force comprised the entirety of their 2nd, 3rd, and 5th battle companies, along with their 6th tactical reserve company, 11th scout company and half of their 1st Veteran company. The force … was commanded by Silas Alberec, the famed Exorcists 3rd Company captain and heir-designate to the command of the Chapter.” Fire Angels (leader unknown) “The Fire Angels answered the Inquisition’s call for aid in prosecuting the Badab War early in 906.M41, arriving with an effective force equalling [sic] seven companies…” Howling Griffons (leader unknown) “The Howling Griffons task force was relatively small in number, consisting of no more than two hundred and fifty Space Marines drawn from the remnants of their 4th Battle Company and elements of their 6th and 10th Companies, reinforced by several Terminator squads…” Marines Errant (led by Chapter Master) “The Marines Errant responded to this call by diverting a strong force comprising at least six full companies in strength…” Novamarines (led by Captain) “The Novamarines taskforce deployed to the Maelstrom Zone in three strike cruisers with a fleet of twelve supporting attack craft and tenders, comprising their full strength 3rd and 5th battle companies with attached Scouts, and reinforced by elements of their Terminator-equipped 1st Company veterans and several awakened dreadnoughts. The Novamarines taskforce commander for the duration of their involvement in the Badab War was Mordaci Blaylock, the respected captain of their 1st Company Veterans…” Raptors (led by Chapter Master) “The Raptors deployed an equivalent combined force strength of four companies to the war zone…” Red Scorpions (led by Chapter Master**) “The first major Red Scorpions deployment, a force comprising their 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 9th companies…” ** After the death of the Lord High Commander (chapter master) of the Red Scorpions Chapter during the events of the Badab War, he was succeeded by Carab Culln and the size of the Red Scorpions detachment was increased from five to eight full companies in strength. Salamanders (led by Captain) …a force was hastily assembled under the Captain of the then under-strength 2nd Company, Pellas Mir’san… The bulk of the force was made up of the Salamanders 2nd Company… This was further augmented by reserve elements of the Nocturne garrison, as well as several veteran training instructors along with a core of Firedrakes thirty-strong… The force was further strengthened by a Hextad of Ancients; six venerable dreadnoughts of the Chapter…” Sons of Medusa (led by Captain – the Iron Thane of a War Clan***) “The Combined Sons of Medusa force comprised the full strength of the Atropos War Clan backed by forces drawn from the Chapter armouries and elements of the Lachesis and Magaera War Clans with a combined estimated strength of somewhere between five and six Codex companies…” *** The Sons of Medusa don’t follow the Codex Astartes, instead being organized into three war clans, each consisting of over 300 Space Marines and being further broken down into multiple companies; so a Sons of Medusa war clan is comparable to a large Black Templars crusade and their officers are probably comparable. Other Imperial Armour books provide similar evidence: Imperial Armour Volume Three – The Taros Campaign The Raptors strike force consisted of 2 companies under the command of Captain Orelius. Imperial Armour Volume Five – The Siege of Vraks – Part One The Dark Angels ‘Vraks Devastation Force’ was commanded by Supreme Grand Master Azrael (chapter master) and consisted of elements of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th companies as well as other elements from the Librarium, Apothecarion, Armoury, and Fleet. The end-strength was about 4 companies in size. Imperial Armour Volume Seven – The Siege of Vraks – Part Three The Angels of Absolution force that participated isn’t defined, but it was embarked aboard a battle barge, a strike cruiser, and two escorts, so it wouldn’t have been much more than 4 companies in size. The force was known to have included elements of the 1st and 3rd companies and was led by a company master (captain). Imperial Armour Volume Eight – Raid on Kastorel-Novem Shadow Force Korvydae of the Raven Guard consisted of elements of the 1st, 5th, 8th, and 10th Companies as well as other elements from the Armoury, Apothecarion, Librarius, and Fleet. The end-strength was about 2 companies in size and it was led by a shadow captain (captain). If you examine the sizes of the various detachments sent by different chapters, you see that they often range in size from a reinforced company up to several hundred Space Marines, and those detachments are often led by captains. Chapter masters often accompany larger detachments, but have been known to lead smaller detachments; and the involvement of a chapter master often indicates more that the operation is of extremely high priority (rather than the size of the detachment being the deciding factor). Often, larger detachments include multiple captains, with one being in command and the other(s) being subordinate. In this, there is a distinction between the absolute rank and the operational rank. Both hold the absolute rank of ‘Captain’ but one is operationally in command, holding seniority over the other(s) for the duration of the operation. In this we see an organization that is comparable with the crusades of the Black Templars. The span of control that a captain/marshal has might vary. Within a Codex chapter, each captain leads a 100-strong company, but also has special duties and expanded control based on the “master” duties they perform (e.g., Master of the Watch, Master of the Fleet, Master of the Arsenal, etc.). In addition, a Codex chapter captain can lead a detachment that ranges in size from something comparable to a standard company up to multiple companies in size (the largest for which we have an explicit example is about six companies). In the Black Templars, meanwhile, a marshal leads a crusade. A crusade might be anywhere from half of a Codex company in size up to multiple companies in size (the largest for which we have an explicit example is over 8 companies in size). The evidence (the map in the 4th edition Codex: Black Templars) makes it clear that a Black Templars marshal is often given a much larger span of control than a Codex captain in that the crusades of the Black Templars, though sometimes smaller than a Codex company, are often significantly larger and often compare with large detachments. In terms of absolute rank, though, a captain from a Codex chapter stands on equal footing with a Black Templars marshal except when one temporarily has seniority over the other; and while Black Templars fans might want to think that the Black Templars marshal will be the one that holds that seniority, especially if he is in command of a crusade larger than the detachment commanded by the captain, it’s just as likely that the Codex captain might hold seniority over the marshal. More importantly, in terms of the rules potency, the two are clearly equivalent (except for those exceptional individuals that might use a “higher” or “lower” stat line/rules entry). More importantly, we really need to distinguish between the absolute rank and the rules rank. In terms of rules, the officers of the Black Templars are analogous to their Codex chapter counterparts: High Marshal ≈ Chapter Master Marshal ≈ Captain Castellan ≈ Lieutenant To be fair, Codex: Black Templars from the 4th edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game did present Black Templars marshals as equivalent to the masters of other chapters in their rules, and the Black Templars castellans were equivalent to the captains of other chapters. Black Templars players whose roots go back to the 4th edition (or earlier) can’t really be blamed for the misunderstanding, but all subsequent rules updates make it clear that the marshals of the Black Templars are comparable with the captains of other chapters (in much the same way the Black Templars are no longer a Codex chapter, despite being presented as such in the 2nd edition Codex: Ultramarines). The misalignment has been walked back in more recent editions, however, with the High Marshal being in line with other chapter masters, marshals being in line with other captains, and castellans being in line with other lieutenants. The codex supplement for the Black Templars published in the 9th edition of the game solidified this equivalency. However, Black Templars players are free to use the units any way they want, especially in cases where they are not using a codex or codex supplement dedicated to the Black Templars when representing a Black Templars army. They might choose to have a chapter master represent an especially potent marshal, or a captain might represent an especially potent castellan. After all, not everyone is equal and it’s entirely conceivable that some Black Templars marshals might be on par with the masters of some other chapters, or that some castellans might compare favorably with the captains of other chapters. Keep in mind, however, that the reverse might also be true – that some captains of other chapters might stand shoulder to shoulder with the High Marshal of the Black Templars, and some lieutenants might be equal to some Black Templars marshals. Brother Tyler has been a member of the Bolter & Chainsword since 1999 and has been involved in the Warhammer 40,000 hobby since 1987. He has been a zealous fan of the Black Templars Chapter since Codex: Armageddon was published during the 3rd edition of the game. This article represents his own views. A .pdf version of this article can be downloaded here. 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  3. On the Marshals of the Black Templars and Their Potency By Brother Tyler This article first appeared as a reply in a discussion about the ranks of the Black Templars Chapter officers and how they compared with the officers in other Adeptus Astartes chapters, debunking the oft-asserted myth that Black Templars marshals are greater than Codex captains and/or equivalent to Codex chapter masters. This article has been corrected, expanded, and updated. Many Black Templars players assume that just because a crusade might include several hundred members, the rank of the commanding officer scales up over that of a Codex captain, to the point where players sometimes assert that a Black Templars marshal is equivalent to the chapter master in other chapters. Crusades are commanded by marshals regardless of their size, whether only 50 Black Templars in number or up to several hundred (again, allowing for the exception of the High Marshal leading a crusade). In many Black Templars crusades, there are subordinate elements called fighting companies, and these are led by a castellan and may vary in size, up to and including a fighting company that rivals or exceeds a company in a Codex chapter (in a large crusade). A Black Templars crusade is generally led by a marshal (though the High Marshal also leads crusades) and may be anywhere from as few as 50 to several hundred members (sometimes over a thousand). Very large crusades can look like under-strength Codex chapters, and the largest known crusade was the Armageddon Crusade led by High Marshal Helbrecht, aggregating three previously existing crusades into a single crusade. We know that there have been other crusades exceeding one thousand Black Templars because the lore tells us so, but we don’t know how many there have been in the chapter’s history. Regardless, while crusades can be very large, the number of crusades exceeding a Codex chapter in size can probably be considered exceptional, and these are most likely led by the High Marshal (though it’s quite possible that some have been led by marshals). The mistake Black Templars players typically make is in comparing a Black Templars Crusade with a Codex chapter’s company. In a Codex chapter, a company is led by a captain and consists of ten squads of ten battle brothers, along with some HQ elements. This is comparable to many crusades as well as some larger fighting companies in terms of absolute numbers, if not in organization. The more accurate comparison for a Black Templars crusade, however, is with a Codex chapter’s detachment. Often, Codex chapters deploy detachments that consist of multiple companies, rivalling the largest known crusades of the Black Templars (except the thousand+ crusades, for obvious reasons). These detachments, too, will be commanded by a captain (as well as the Chapter Master, on occasion). “Detachment” is just one of the names that might be appended to this type of deployment, with many others also being used, including names such as “strike force,” “crusade,” “task force,” and others. The Badab War provides several great examples. The information below comes from Imperial Armour Volume Nine – The Badab War – Part One and Imperial Armour Volume Ten – The Badab War – Part Two. Information on the chapters that participated in their entirety – the traitorous Astral Claws, Lamenters, and Mantis Warriors, as well as a few of the loyalists (Fire Hawks, Minotaurs, and Star Phantoms). Carcharodons (led by Captain*) “In size [the Carcharodons] forces were of a rough approximation of six Space Marine Companies, led by their baleful ‘First Captain’ Tyberos… It has not been ascertained whether this force comprised the whole or a part of the Carcharodons’ full Chapter strength, and it may indeed be the case that the Carcharodons themselves did not know the fate of any other sub-fleets of their Chapter still roaming the void.” * The title of ‘First Captain’ is often given to the Captain of the First Company in a Codex chapter, but it might also mean a chapter master, especially in cases where the two roles are performed by the same person (e.g., the chapter master of the Crimson Fists Chapter also serves as the Captain of the First Company, called the ‘Crusade Company’ while the chapter master of the Salamanders Chapter leads that chapter’s First Company, the ‘Firedrakes’). Executioners (led by High Chaplain) “The Executioners Chapter deployed to the Badab War in two distinct stages, the first of which was as a strike force comprising a reinforced 3rd Company commanded by Captain Vanir Hex… The second wave would comprise the balance of the Chapter’s forces except their 2nd Company … and roughly half of their 10th Company…. The total force consisted of roughly seven companies in active strength… This Executioners force, under the direct command of the High Chaplain Thulsa Kane, was fully engaged in the Badab War in early 907.M41.” It should be noted here that the chapter master of the Executioners committed suicide instead of joining the rest of his Chapter, knowing that they sided with the Astral Claws as a matter of debt to that chapter and that they were on the wrong side of the Imperium. Had he not committed suicide, he would have led the chapter during the Badab War. Exorcists (led by Captain) “The Exorcists force comprised the entirety of their 2nd, 3rd, and 5th battle companies, along with their 6th tactical reserve company, 11th scout company and half of their 1st Veteran company. The force … was commanded by Silas Alberec, the famed Exorcists 3rd Company captain and heir-designate to the command of the Chapter.” Fire Angels (leader unknown) “The Fire Angels answered the Inquisition’s call for aid in prosecuting the Badab War early in 906.M41, arriving with an effective force equalling [sic] seven companies…” Howling Griffons (leader unknown) “The Howling Griffons task force was relatively small in number, consisting of no more than two hundred and fifty Space Marines drawn from the remnants of their 4th Battle Company and elements of their 6th and 10th Companies, reinforced by several Terminator squads…” Marines Errant (led by Chapter Master) “The Marines Errant responded to this call by diverting a strong force comprising at least six full companies in strength…” Novamarines (led by Captain) “The Novamarines taskforce deployed to the Maelstrom Zone in three strike cruisers with a fleet of twelve supporting attack craft and tenders, comprising their full strength 3rd and 5th battle companies with attached Scouts, and reinforced by elements of their Terminator-equipped 1st Company veterans and several awakened dreadnoughts. The Novamarines taskforce commander for the duration of their involvement in the Badab War was Mordaci Blaylock, the respected captain of their 1st Company Veterans…” Raptors (led by Chapter Master) “The Raptors deployed an equivalent combined force strength of four companies to the war zone…” Red Scorpions (led by Chapter Master**) “The first major Red Scorpions deployment, a force comprising their 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 9th companies…” ** After the death of the Lord High Commander (chapter master) of the Red Scorpions Chapter during the events of the Badab War, he was succeeded by Carab Culln and the size of the Red Scorpions detachment was increased from five to eight full companies in strength. Salamanders (led by Captain) …a force was hastily assembled under the Captain of the then under-strength 2nd Company, Pellas Mir’san… The bulk of the force was made up of the Salamanders 2nd Company… This was further augmented by reserve elements of the Nocturne garrison, as well as several veteran training instructors along with a core of Firedrakes thirty-strong… The force was further strengthened by a Hextad of Ancients; six venerable dreadnoughts of the Chapter…” Sons of Medusa (led by Captain – the Iron Thane of a War Clan***) “The Combined Sons of Medusa force comprised the full strength of the Atropos War Clan backed by forces drawn from the Chapter armouries and elements of the Lachesis and Magaera War Clans with a combined estimated strength of somewhere between five and six Codex companies…” *** The Sons of Medusa don’t follow the Codex Astartes, instead being organized into three war clans, each consisting of over 300 Space Marines and being further broken down into multiple companies; so a Sons of Medusa war clan is comparable to a large Black Templars crusade and their officers are probably comparable. Other Imperial Armour books provide similar evidence: Imperial Armour Volume Three – The Taros Campaign The Raptors strike force consisted of 2 companies under the command of Captain Orelius. Imperial Armour Volume Five – The Siege of Vraks – Part One The Dark Angels ‘Vraks Devastation Force’ was commanded by Supreme Grand Master Azrael (chapter master) and consisted of elements of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th companies as well as other elements from the Librarium, Apothecarion, Armoury, and Fleet. The end-strength was about 4 companies in size. Imperial Armour Volume Seven – The Siege of Vraks – Part Three The Angels of Absolution force that participated isn’t defined, but it was embarked aboard a battle barge, a strike cruiser, and two escorts, so it wouldn’t have been much more than 4 companies in size. The force was known to have included elements of the 1st and 3rd companies and was led by a company master (captain). Imperial Armour Volume Eight – Raid on Kastorel-Novem Shadow Force Korvydae of the Raven Guard consisted of elements of the 1st, 5th, 8th, and 10th Companies as well as other elements from the Armoury, Apothecarion, Librarius, and Fleet. The end-strength was about 2 companies in size and it was led by a shadow captain (captain). If you examine the sizes of the various detachments sent by different chapters, you see that they often range in size from a reinforced company up to several hundred Space Marines, and those detachments are often led by captains. Chapter masters often accompany larger detachments, but have been known to lead smaller detachments; and the involvement of a chapter master often indicates more that the operation is of extremely high priority (rather than the size of the detachment being the deciding factor). Often, larger detachments include multiple captains, with one being in command and the other(s) being subordinate. In this, there is a distinction between the absolute rank and the operational rank. Both hold the absolute rank of ‘Captain’ but one is operationally in command, holding seniority over the other(s) for the duration of the operation. In this we see an organization that is comparable with the crusades of the Black Templars. The span of control that a captain/marshal has might vary. Within a Codex chapter, each captain leads a 100-strong company, but also has special duties and expanded control based on the “master” duties they perform (e.g., Master of the Watch, Master of the Fleet, Master of the Arsenal, etc.). In addition, a Codex chapter captain can lead a detachment that ranges in size from something comparable to a standard company up to multiple companies in size (the largest for which we have an explicit example is about six companies). In the Black Templars, meanwhile, a marshal leads a crusade. A crusade might be anywhere from half of a Codex company in size up to multiple companies in size (the largest for which we have an explicit example is over 8 companies in size). The evidence (the map in the 4th edition Codex: Black Templars) makes it clear that a Black Templars marshal is often given a much larger span of control than a Codex captain in that the crusades of the Black Templars, though sometimes smaller than a Codex company, are often significantly larger and often compare with large detachments. In terms of absolute rank, though, a captain from a Codex chapter stands on equal footing with a Black Templars marshal except when one temporarily has seniority over the other; and while Black Templars fans might want to think that the Black Templars marshal will be the one that holds that seniority, especially if he is in command of a crusade larger than the detachment commanded by the captain, it’s just as likely that the Codex captain might hold seniority over the marshal. More importantly, in terms of the rules potency, the two are clearly equivalent (except for those exceptional individuals that might use a “higher” or “lower” stat line/rules entry). More importantly, we really need to distinguish between the absolute rank and the rules rank. In terms of rules, the officers of the Black Templars are analogous to their Codex chapter counterparts: High Marshal ≈ Chapter Master Marshal ≈ Captain Castellan ≈ Lieutenant To be fair, Codex: Black Templars from the 4th edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game did present Black Templars marshals as equivalent to the masters of other chapters in their rules, and the Black Templars castellans were equivalent to the captains of other chapters. Black Templars players whose roots go back to the 4th edition (or earlier) can’t really be blamed for the misunderstanding, but all subsequent rules updates make it clear that the marshals of the Black Templars are comparable with the captains of other chapters (in much the same way the Black Templars are no longer a Codex chapter, despite being presented as such in the 2nd edition Codex: Ultramarines). The misalignment has been walked back in more recent editions, however, with the High Marshal being in line with other chapter masters, marshals being in line with other captains, and castellans being in line with other lieutenants. The codex supplement for the Black Templars published in the 9th edition of the game solidified this equivalency. However, Black Templars players are free to use the units any way they want, especially in cases where they are not using a codex or codex supplement dedicated to the Black Templars when representing a Black Templars army. They might choose to have a chapter master represent an especially potent marshal, or a captain might represent an especially potent castellan. After all, not everyone is equal and it’s entirely conceivable that some Black Templars marshals might be on par with the masters of some other chapters, or that some castellans might compare favorably with the captains of other chapters. Keep in mind, however, that the reverse might also be true – that some captains of other chapters might stand shoulder to shoulder with the High Marshal of the Black Templars, and some lieutenants might be equal to some Black Templars marshals. Brother Tyler has been a member of the Bolter & Chainsword since 1999 and has been involved in the Warhammer 40,000 hobby since 1987. He has been a zealous fan of the Black Templars Chapter since Codex: Armageddon was published during the 3rd edition of the game. This article represents his own views. A .pdf version of this article can be downloaded here.
  4. Nothing to see here The content is in another castle or just start here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/222538-another-diy-chapter-blog-for-the-omnissiah-9514/?p=2963992
  5. Greetings Brothers and Welcome to the ✠✠ Challenge Against the Dawn ✠✠ http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o622/Marshal_Roujakis/Challenge-Against-the-Dawn-Gif_zpsradwavlf.gif The Enemies of the Imperium has pushed us on the very edge of a deadly precipice, The Imperium has literally been divided in two, both sides are suffering from alien invasions, daemonic incursions and renewed assault by traitors and heretics. It has come to a time where desperation has led to the revival of a demi-god and the birth of a brand new era, where the Astartes are reborn anew, where the old guard have been exhausted and newly forged warriors must be integrated to the Chapters of the Space Marines to replenish their strength, but not everyone sees hope in the coming of the light... These Commanders of the Black Templars are such individuals, they have heard the muster of the so-called Primaris Space Marines and have questioned Guilliman to the purity of their strength and resolve, they are a newly forged blade, untested, unproven and untempered to be thrust in a war that has split the galaxy into two, a veteran warrior will not be placated by mere words, but deeds... And while a new dawn might be coming, the night is still darkest just before the morn. Will you be one of these individuals to stand defiant? Will you fight against the coming onslaught of a galaxy that burns with darkness and destruction? Will you Accept the Challenge? ✠ So What is this Challenge? It started in Canadian_F_H's thread and somehow became an open season challenge, but... well... me and Brother Christopher had a chat in regards to how everyone is reacting to the news about 8th edition and the Primaris Space Marines... here is the quick conversation specifically about the Primaris Space Marines And a lot of those in the BT community alone had some trepidation and concerns in regards to these newcomers fluff and their shoehorn-ing to the Templars Crusades... and while we can't really do anything about it, except accept or relent to GW's decisions, we can still Challenge the Dawn of a New Era... and so a painting challenge is made. Paint a quick 5 model Astartes Squad in Power Armour (or Artificer) before the release of 8th edition ✠ The Rules: Paint 5 Space Marines in Power Armour (or artificer) in the colours of the Black Templars Paint them before the release of 8th edition and the Primaris Space Marines If you accept the challenge then you may take a copy of the banner below to show that you have accepted the challenge If you successfully complete the challenge a special Banner will be given to you If you fail to complete the challenge then a Banner of Failure will also be given to you Post here if you Accept the Challenge and a link to your Crusade's thread if necessary Post a before and After Picture of the 5 Astartes you wish to paint either in this thread or in the thread that you have provided If you're not satisfied and you want to paint another 5-then do so, but be warned, failure to complete the 2nd attempt means you get the Banner of Failure DEADLINE UPDATE: June 17th 2017 ✠ Notes: No, there will be no vows... there are no points to be used anyway... so no point using point system... This is not endorsed by the Mods... but it would be nice if it were, or at the least if this thread was pinned at the top... until the 8th Ed. release The Astartes does not need to be a squad, we're Templars we form groups according to bonds of Brotherhood and fellowship, not doctrine... You can paint Characters too, as long as they're in Power Armour (or Artificer) to oppose the Primaris Marines. No, we won't be putting your names on the first post... this isn't ETL nor a Crusade Expansion... although it would be nice if it were... I know... my photoshop skills aren't that good, But I promise I'll make the banner better... If you accept the challenge, then simply post below that you do and don't forget to get your banner (optional) and post links to your pictures ✠Banner of Challenge Acceptance: http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o622/Marshal_Roujakis/Challenge%20Against%20the%20Dawn_zpsbnxxzlfn.png And May the Emperor guide your brushes Brothers...
  6. [+ pict-capture source +] Larik Crusade heraldic shield [by @madscuzzy] --[[+ + + + +]]-- Eight Astartes and an unaugmented human stood in a rough semi-circle facing a lone figure. Their raisin black fists struck the centres of their armoured chest pieces, the loud clangs of metal on metal echoing off the surrounding plasteel walls. Simultaneously, eight vox-distorted voices cried out in unison: "Devicta morte!" The lone human simply bowed her head and made the sign of the aquila. Marshal Varkan, leader of the Aryx Crusade, removed his own helm and placed it on the low table beside him. He scrutinised them with his bright green eyes, inhaling deeply. The smells of war filled his senses: mud, stagnant water, propellant, promethium, blood, combat toxin residuals. They had come with all due haste straight from the battlefield. "Devicta morte." Returning their salute, he continued, turning to face each of the crusade's decemvirate in turn. "Tomas, Sp
  7. hey everyone, i am quite new to the whole converting and painting models thing (doing it for about a year and half now) and i wanted to share one of my models i am working on atm with you guys. PS: sry if the pics are a bit blurry or overlighted. i am still trying to figure out a way to make a good photobox. critics are welcome and wanted unfortunatly i cant post pictures here for some reason, so here a just the links: http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9647068767/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650309620/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650320520/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/101115243@N07/9650331690/
  8. I just played a 2k game against Black Templar with Imperial Fist allies. His was more of a test for IF allies, mine was a test for DA allies. My list: HQs Shrike Sammael(Corvex) Elites Vanguard Vet Squad - x10 Jump packs, 4x PWs, Sarge with P Axe and SS (RG) Venerable Dread - Drop Pod, MM Troops Sniper Scout Squad (DA) Tactical Marines - x10, Meltagun (RG) Scouts in LSS, Bolters (RG) Fast Attack Assault Marine Squad - x10 men, Meltabomb, CS, PW Ravenwing Black Knights x5 (DA) Heavy Stormraven - TLMM, TLPC(RG) Thunderfire ADL/Quadgun His list(Best I can recall): Emperors Champion IF Captain with PF Master of the Forge Conversion Beamer Command Squad with Apothecary Drop Pod x5 Man Crusader Squad x5 Man Sniper Scouts x10 Man IF Tac Heavy Bolter x10 Man IF Tac Heavy Bolter x9 Man Sternguard x5 Combi-melta x4 combi-plas Drop Pod x10 Man Vanguard with a large assortment of PW and SS loaded for bear ADL/Quadgun Mission: The Scouring Deployment: Dawn of War Deployment He won the roll off, he deployed first. There were a lot of ruins and some mysterious terrain. The objectives were almost perfectly divided. His ADL/QG were front on center with an objective behind it and a tall ruin. He put both Tac squads on either side of the QG behind the ADL with the MotF above and behind them in the ruin. The crusader squad was on my left in a ruin towards the left midfield objective. I deployed my TFC on my right flank in a ruin and the ADL/QG on my left using the ruin to box in an objective and put my AMs in it at the edge of my deployment. The BK/Sammael were outflanking. My Tac squad was in the 'Raven. I won the roll off for infiltrators. I put my Sniper Scouts in the ruin above the objective. Shrike on the VV infiltrated into a body of water 12" (LoS blocked by a ruin) from his right Tac squad, near the edge of my right and center tile edge. I put my LSS right next to them for the jamming beacon on the tile edge and behind another ruin. He put his Sniper Scouts in a ruin to my far right next to the board edge and an objective. I did not try to seize. The hunt had begun. Turn 1 Night-fighting in effect. The objective next to his IF tacs was worth 4 points, mine was worth 3, the one on the left was worth 1 and the center-ish one was worth 3 and the one near my TFC was worth 2 and the one near his snipers was worth 2. His objective was a grav-wave generator. The others were too far away. He was going to drop his Stern/IF Cap next to Shrike but he realized my LSS had a jamming beacon(He had fallen for it a few games back already) so he tried to drop it exactly 12" away almost in the exact center of the board. It scatted 10" in front of his QG. Bonus! He disembarked them on the opposite side of my VV/Shrike towards his ADL. He shuffled his eft IF Tac into the ruin to join with the MotF. His snipers took a wound off my TFC. His Conversion Beamer wounded some AMs but I saved them all. I was too far away/out of LoS for anything else. My QG intercepted his stern and killed 1. My objective was also a grav-wave. Ven Dread came down right next to his DP and in front of the ADL. The Dread disembarked with his DP between it and the QG. My AMs jumped up towards his Stern. VV/Shrike jumped over the ruin and were right in front of the right IF Tac squad. LSS followed the VVs. Snipers killed 2 Sterns. TFC whiffed. Dread ate his DP. First Blood to me. AMs tried to assault his stern but were short, even with WD. I shouldn't have shot at the stern. Their casualties made me fail the charge. VVs easily got into CC with his IF Tac squad. My VV Sarg with PA/SS challened his IF sarge. I lost 1 plain VV and he lost all 9 tac marines. 4 from Shrike alone and the rest from PWs. My sarge died in the challenge. He tried to break but I caught him and we were locked in CC. WHich was good. Turn 2 None of his reserves came in. He moved his stern towards my AMs. He killed off my TFC and killed 3 AMs from everything that could shoot them. Sterns only used bolt pistols. Shrike watched while the VVs killed the IF tac sarge and consolidated 5" towards the ruin with the MotF/IF Tac squad in it. The sterns assaulted my AM's and we tied combat. His captain broke off to fight my dread but a failed invul ID'd him. My 'Raven and BKs came in. I moved the 'Raven up about 20" where a DP blocked LoS from his QG. The BKs came in from the left side, which is where I wanted them. I knew he would send his Champ after Shrike so I wanted to set up Sammael to intercept. Shrike and crew hopped into the ruin with the IF Tacs. My lonely Tech ran towards the snipers. The Snipers/BKs/'Raven killed the crusader squad on the left. PotMS missile took a wound off the QG. Shrike assaulted the Tacs and refused the challenge. His sarg had a PF and I wanted to take no risks with Shrike. the VVs killed all but the MotF and a random Tac. He tried to break but I caught him. My dread charged in with the Stern and my AMs and won 3-1 wounds. He passed morale. Turn 3 His VV and CS/Champ came in. He planted his CS/CHamp right next to the ruin with Shrike. Just as planned. his VV landed next to my Tech. No idea why he did that. My QG intercepted them and killed one. His snipers headshot my Tech. Shrike maimed the MotF and the VV killed the last Tac. I consolidated 5" out of the ruin away from is CHamp. Dread/AM lost combat 2-0 due to the Dread whiffing but didn't break. His VV ran towards the 2 point objective and it was sabotaged and exploded killing none. Sammael and crew moved up next to his ADL and CS/Champ and unloaded killing 2. 'Raven flew up and unloaded killing 2 more. Tacs stayed inside. LSS moved up, scouts jumped out and killed the QG. Shrike and crew joined my Dread/AMs and slaughtered the stern. Sammael made the charge into the Champ and the last Vet. The BKs killed the Vet and Sammael and the Champ did no wounds. Turn 4 My Tacs jumped out and grabbed the 4 pointer. My SNipers huddled around the 3 pointer. His snipers grabbed the 2 pointer and the VVs made a break for my snipers. They were over 48" away so I wasnt worried. At this point he knew it was over so we just did Sammael vs Emperors Champion. Sammael won. Eternal Warrior was key here. Victory 10-3 me. 7 Objective Points, 1 Slay the Warlord, 1 First Blood, 1 Line-breaker. He got 2 Objective Points and Line-breaker. Over all it was fun. I expected his Stormtalon but was surprised he didnt bring it. Shrike/VV and Sammael/BK were two unstoppable pain trains. The support from my 'Raven and Snipers were perfect. Going second with SHrike/VV infiltrating so close was great. My LSS jamming beacon probably won me the game as SHrike/VV got in CC without a single casualty and I only lost 4 VV the whole game as they were in CC every turn they made their points back and more. Sammael is the perfect HQ hunter and Shrike is the perfect assassin. Winged Deliverance did a bunch of wounds but he saved them all. The re-rolls for charge range didnt really affect the game but were a nice back up.
  9. All this talk about Champions fight each other really got me thinking. As we all know Black Libraries writing goes from bad to good.. to bad again. I'm hoping that with the climax of the Siege of Terra that a more thought out story will evolve. I really liked the William King story from the old fluff and hope that they remain semi-true to it. Anyway I wrote a bit of fan fic about one of those confrontations... I want to see something like this............. The Opening... The Ruined Imperial Palace. Grand marble columns cast down to form barricades in the middle of a large room. Blast marks and bullet gouges cover the terrain. Above them the arched roof once had held banners from ancient Imperial victories. those few that still hang are riddled with bullet holes and tears. It's just one lonely corridor guarded by a large squad of Imperial fists. Ahead another wave of Traitors come. ******* Number 8 ******* They were back again, this time something was different. They had charged the Fist's defensive line before but never as hard. The Sergeant voxed the presence of a noted champion among their ranks as the horde of axe wielding World Eaters charged. Gunfire was effective but it was clear that they would reach the Sergeants gun line this time. His name was death and he had finally come. He broke into the Imperial fists lines like a thundering hammer. Blood flew from his axe as he wrecked all those before him. Behind him his brother World Eaters flooded in, chain axes spinning and thirsting for death. With in seconds, mangled Imperial Fists bodies littered the area around the 1st Captain of the XII Legion. Those near him fell to the vicious killing arcs of his weapons. It was as if an some primordial version of slaughter had been born within the axe wielding Astartes. He was unstoppable. The words fell uncontrollably from his lips the Sergeant whispered the name of the demon that had brought death to so many. "Khârn." Watching the brave son's of Dorn fall like harvested wheat, the Sgt of the Imperial Fist stepped up to try to stop the crazed axeman from killing his men. He knew its was useless endeavor but what choice did he have. With sword in hand he leap forward, desperate to stem the flow of the carnage. In only a few swings his challenge was over and he was thrown back, tripping over a severed limb that was still encased in it's yellow armor. His head swam and blood flowed in his eyes. With a gurgling howl the maniac leaped forward, the high pitched screaming from his spinning axe spoke of death. The Sergeant watched as if his death was happening in slow motion. A life time of service ended. He raises his hand up in a useless bid to ward off the blow. "Father, forgive me I have failed you", he whispered as the executioners axe fell. As the Imperial Fist Sgt there is about to be hacked down a sword appeared in front of him and blocked the gore filled axe of the demon, denying it the deathblow. The Sergeant had refused to flinch at his end, but it still took a moment for him to realized what had happened. Following the sculpted lines of the savior blade he saw him and for a moment hope flickered. Sigismund had arrived. The two Legion champions stared at each other in the middle of the melee. Locked in a battle of wills, they remain unmoving, weapons still wedged together, sparks and a hazy power field glowing between them. Around them bodies of the gene-warriors from both sides littered the floor. Others still fought in bloody duels. The savage rawness of the World Eaters held thinly back by the stubborness of the fists. The scene seemed muted to the prone Imperial Fist. A bleak landscape surrounding epic events. His eyes drawn to the two beings above him the Sergeant couldn't turn away. It's as if the elemental forces of nature themselves had collided. Then, as if pulled back to his senses, a voice came. It was impossibly clear and calm amidst the chaotic battle that surrounded him. "Sergeant, you have not failed him yet, help your brothers, They need you". He blinked and the spell was seemingly broken. Pride filled his chest and he scrambled to his feet, thankful for the intervention. Above him the armor of Dorn's Champion, battered and dented, still shined. The Moment reached it's climax and a guttural voice finally came from the red covered beast. As if it was almost struggling to retain it's rage the broken and raspy sound was birthed. "...I..I.. will bbbreak .. you.. ch.Champion". The last word coming with a notable tone of disdain. Without waiting for a response he Struck. His axe moving in a grand arc, blood and gore spinning from it's teeth. Parry after parry spared Dorn's chosen from a blow what would tear him in half if he had only let it be completed. The red Champion's assault hammered his defenses and Sigismund is pushed back unable to respond. The high whine of Khârn's Axe flowed up and down as the heavy weapon swung with a fluid grace that shouldn't have been possible. It struck again and again only to be turned be the shimmering field of Sigismund's Power Sword. Flakes of yellow paint embedded from the gruesome reaping that had occurred before Dorn's Champion arrived broke off in regular intervals. After careful positioning he was able to find space for a counter blow. His sword cut hard through the Monsters leg as he sidestepped and swung upward. The move should have hamstrung the Demon, but the effect seems lost on the Bezerker. With no time to find reason in the event, Sigismund was forced to parry another kill strike. A gouge dug through the armor on his neck. Another blow followed that, but this time his shoulder pauldron paid the price and was ripped from him. It tumbles lazily through the air before disappearing into the surrounding chaos. It was with only several more parries and some quick back peddling that Dorn's Champion remained alive. The beasts onslaught was brutal and it was clear to see that the Imperial Fist was losing. With a last minute duck the Golden Champion avoided a decapitation strike. Rockcrete exploded from the pillar above him. This time Khârn seemed to be expecting it and connected a solid knee strike to Sigismund's head, sending him reeling. Without hesitation Angron's Champion followed up his assault with a wide swing that took the Imperial fist across the stomach. Rending the ceramite and metal of his armor and sending a shower of sparks and blood where the weapon found purchase. The Imperial warrior stumbled backward, tripping over the one of the many bodies that littered the ground. Unpausing the monster rushed forward. The Deadly arc continued past Sigismund. It raised up high to defeat the last of his defenses. Ignoring the pain Sigismund kicked hard striking the World Eater in the face and throwing he assaulting astartes off balance, giving him a second to regroup. He slowly regained his feet. The flow of his blood was already slowing but any pain-chem's in the suits automated system had long since been used up. Drawn here by the demand of his duty this would be his end. How many others had the Red Monster taken. Perritos from the 5th company, Captains Orrin and Hellios, Marshall Tyrros, Salladin of the Angels and countless others. The beasts name was now spoken in quiet whispers and even the most foolhardy would not openly talk about him without thinking soome imagined curse would fall upon them. He was given new mantels instead. He was the unleashed. The skull collector. The Demon. The red berzerker. A pile of corpses was his calling card and he had drunk very deeply of the Fist's finest. If he won now all would be lost. There was no one else to stop him. It had to be here. It had to be now. Sigismund closed his eyes for a moment and tried to slow the world down. The pain from the wound is great, but he refused to fall. Willing his body to stay Conscious. These men needed him. The Imperial Fists could not allow him to fall. Dorn would not allow it. Raising up to his full height the Champion of the 7th Legion opened his eyes and waved the Red Monster forward. Like a giant raging beast from some ancient story he came. Heavy armored feet pounding the ground, trampling the dead and injured beneath him as his charge drove him closer to his prey. The spinning chainaxe in his hand screamed at full speed, it's red stained teeth begging for more blood even as it tossed thick ropes of gore from the endless recesses of it's maw. The moment seems to slow down and even those fighting in the swirling melee paused to witness the breaking of the The Imperial Fist Champion. His armor was torn and rent barely field worthy by any standard of a legionary, but Sigismund stood stoically immobile despite this. He almost seemed Serene to the event that is about to happen. Like two grand cosmic bodies locked in destiny of destruction the met. Then it happened. But not in the foreseen way that one watching the event would think. At the last minute Sigismund, Dorn's outcast champion stepped forward under the heavy swinging arc of Khârn. Perhaps it was the blood lust in the monster, perhaps it was that no one had actually been foolhardy enough to close toward him, I don't know. But, what ever the reason it was the opening the Imperial Fist needed. Driving his sword up in a uppercut like strike, the blade pierced the World Eaters chest and emerged out of his spine almost lifting the Traitor Astartes from his feet. The shimmering blade jutted up bringing bits of bone and nerve with it. Sigismund's shoulder followed and plowed into the demons chest, halting his advance. The sound from the collision was deafing. Locked together for a moment in a strange symbiosis the two again stared at each other again, this time face to face. A slow transition seemed to happen and the beasts body untensed, as if the blood flowing from his chest was drawing away the coiled up rage held within him. With slow hands the Red Berzerker reached down and grabbed the pommel of the sword that had pierced him. He pulled it deeper into himself, drawing Dorn's Champion even closer. "Gghhh goood" came the voice of the dying champion. This voice now replaced with a calmness it had not had before. For a moment Sigismund thought the demon was actually smiling under his helmed head. A long exhale completed the transition and the terror that once been the Red Death reverted back to the being it had once been, Khârn, 1st Captain of the World Eaters. His body went slack and the full weight of him now rested on Sigismund . If there was any pride in the bladesman none could see it. He methodically retracted his sword, letting the gore covered body slump to the ground. He looked at the World Eater for a moment, laying there on a huge pile of bodies, before turning away. It was then that for the first time he noticed that it was quiet. Imperial Fist and World Eaters alike looked at him. They stood shoulder to shoulder transfixed as if they had been frozen. Seconds passed before finally the Traitor Astartes turned and withdrew, without further action. They slowly disappeared into the darkness in which they came. Sigismund watched them go, sword still clutched in his hand. They would be back, but not now. The Imperial Fist Sergeant looked on as Sigismund silently turned and started to walk away. "Sir?" he began to speak, his voice a strange mixture of awe and thankfulness. Sigismund stopped, but didn't turn. "I am needed elsewhere Sergeant. Hold your post" And with that the Golden Champion disappeared leaving only the broken body the World Eater as the only sign of his passing. Fade to black. AS any good fanboy knows Khârn fell on terra.. only to be brought back by Khorne. We also know that Sigismund killed a number of champions there, thus helping to stem the tide of the traitors. His refusal to die or give ground a mirror to the lord of the Fists. I wrote this kinda fast so don't be too harsh. But, something like this would be awesome! Of course if iwould have to be fleshed out better. Making some fights epic, instead of having the same dog and pony show of mismatches would make for really good reading. Anyway what do you guys think
  10. Long long ago in the way far away I created the Knights of Lydda Chapter. After taking a hiatus from the forum I havefound that nothing remains of my beloved chapter except a picture in one thread. Well, since I am rebuilding my forces, I think it only right to amend the writing from the past to reflect the newer rules and game play. The Knights are a Black Templar off shoot that willplay with their Chapter Tactics. All charactes are created specifically for the chapter without recycling any from the BT list. I am currently rewriting the fluff to the army, here is what I have: Origins The Knights of Lydda were first created during the 20th Founding with Imperial Fist geneseed to deal with the xenos threats which spanned through out the Imperium of Man. Many of the initial training missions were fought against different xenos races. These missions helped to instill the chapter with a fierce hatred for the entirety of all xenos races. To them having a xenos race on Imperial soil is just as bad as having a heretic on Holy Ground. The Knights of Lydda were assigned a permanent post in the Eastern Fringe as it seemed that this was the doorway through which much of the threat to the Imperium was using. The Knights of Lydda were to eradicate any sign of alien contamination they found. Lydda, a world from the Nemarkus System near the center of the Eastern Galactic Fringe, was given to the Chapter as a recruiting ground as many of its initial marines were drawn from this medieval world. The beliefs of the Chapter are like those of the knights that populate its lands. They quite simply translate as protect the weak and destroy all that oppose the righteous rule of the Emperor. The Knights of Lydda live and die by this simple creed. There is no parlay with these warriors, you are on the Emperor's side or you are a traitor. The Knights of Lydda have fought bravely in many engagements against various opponents. Though trained to fight primarily alien cultures, they have had a decent amount of battle experience with the forces of Chaos as well. The illustrious battles fought by this noble Chapter span many volumes in the Chapter's Librarium and shrines to victory and fallen warriors are scattered across many of planets of this sector. The Gresnik War The Gresnik War began as a small operation that quickly spiralled out of control. Imperial Guard regiments were sent to Opathia Prime to quell an Ork rebellion. It seems that the Guard was ill informed of their true enemy. Though green of skin and immensely muscular, Gresnik was not an Ork as the Guardsmen were led to believe, but rather a Chaos Champion. After losing four major cities and the lower continent, the Guard called for help. They still had not seen Gresnik, only his minions who resembled orks. The Knights of Lydda answered the call immediately. After a small warp jump the initial battle was fought in the city Heratomolie. The densely built city hindered the Knights' regular combat doctrines and Gresnik's forces balked them at every turn. Until this point in their illustrious history they had been able to dictate terms to their enemies, now the advantage belonged to the enemy. For months wave after wave of attacks by the Knights were put down. In a brash decision Chapter Master Gregory Harriston declared the entire Chapter, from the most grizzled veteran marine to the newest scout was to fight in this particular theater of war. Two forces were assembled to take part in a decisive strike to lure out the elusive Gresnik. The first was a mobile strike unit of Cheveliers supported by Seige Master stationed at key points through out the battle zone. The second was an entire Order constisting of Assault Marines who would wait to harass and destroy the enemy forces brought into light. After months of recon, firefights, and repositioning of forces the Knights had lost many Battle Brothers. On the three hundred and twenty second day of fighting a ray of hope shone on the Knights of Lydda. The scout recon groups spotted Gresnik himself. Gresnik was a being of pure muscle, tainted green with the rot of Nurgle. A massive power claw formed his right hand while a huge three bladed bionic formed the left. It was easy for any marine there to understand why they were under the assumption they were initially fighting orks. Gresnik made way for the approaching Chapter forces killing two squads of scouts in his attack. As he stood over Chavelier Sergeant Charles Pollinius about to strike the killing blow with the power clawed right hand, the power sword of Gregory himself stopped it. The two were locked in combat while the rest of the Knights of Lydda regrouped and took their fight to the remaining forces of Gresnik's army. Gresnik was finally laid low when Gregory decapitated his mutated head from his body. All of the fallen Brothers had been taken to the apothecaries of the fleet ships for removal of their geneseed. It was here that Gregory the Pious learned of the exact number of the fallen, a full three quarters of his men had died on this world. Gregory consulted the only member of Imperial Law in the field, Inquisitor Marcus Grimm of the Ordo Xenos. The decision was the planet of Opathia Prime would be declared Exterminatus. The Imperial forces bombarded the planet with virus bombs and left it to die. The Knights left for Lydda to re-forge their strength and their numbers pledging that an onslaught like this would never be allowed to happen to the Chapter again. Reconstruction Following the Gresnik War, the Knights of Lydda were all but driven into obscurity. The reconstruction of the chapter was of supreme importance and could not be ignored. Putting themselves into seclusion on the surface of Lydda the chapter drove forward searching for worthy aspirants to fill the void left by the fallen brothers of the chapter. In mid-M.38, during this time of seclusion a vision of prosperity came upon them. This miracle of the Emperor came to them in the form of Jerrulis Resinger, a young masonry serf who had a particular skill with the blade. During the two hundred and fifty year reconstruction of the Chapter, Jerrulius advanced in rank. Once, as the Chavelier Captain of the Lion Order, Jerrulius led his Order into one of the Chapter's most famous battles, facing and defeating many times their number of Eldar. The result impressed Chapter Master Gregory Harriston so much that he took the Captain under his wing to become his successor. After Gregory's fall on Damascus XIV, Jerrulius assumed the mantle of Chapter Master. During this time he was to complete the reconstruction efforts of the chapter and drew up many tenants on how to maintain a fighting force, including the policy of establishing keeps upon uncontested Imperial worlds, expanding the number of potential candidates to recruit from. It is due to these practices laid out in the Bellicus Doctrina, written by Jerrulius himself in his forty ninth year as Chapter Master, that the Knights of Lydda have not faced such a dire need for recruits again. Lydda Lydda, the fourth planet of the Nemarkus System lies in the Daedelus Subsector of the Eastern Fringe. It is a medieval world under the Light of the Imperium for many millennia. The planet orbits the yellow sun of Nemarkus and this star blankets the lands of Lydda with light and warmth while the three planets closer to Nemarkus are too hot for habitation. Only two major continents are found on Lydda, the largest of which is Braxus. Across the blue seas lies the subcontinent of Jacea. The oceans of Lydda contain nineteen island chains, but few of these are actually inhabited. Native animals of this world include the Great Raven ( a bird of titanic size), horses, and the Lava Snake (a large reptile which usually resides in the steam vents of volcanic sites). These creatures are an everyday sight and with species such as the horse, breeding farms have been implemented in many areas of the world. The people of Lydda are organized into a feudal structure. Each kingdom supplies and maintains specific services and militia, levying troops and tithes from the populace to arm these forces. In return the rulers of each land proffer titles of nobility and grants of land. Serf labor makes up a large portion of the inhabitants of each Kingdom. It is this structure that makes Lydda such a fertile recruiting ground. Any boy can leave his position, even as a serf, to join the ruler's army and test himself during the Tournament of Pages. During the Tournament martial testing takes place across the lands and applicants from the age of eight to thirteen subject themselves to various trials, including a trial by arms in which only the victor walks away. Senior Chapter serfs attend each Tournament and choose the most suitable recruits for the Knights, those who survive but who are not chosen to join the Chapter are left to serve out their lives in the service of the lord holding the trials. The planetary population is aware of the presence of the Chapter and its serfs are regarded as a caste of their own among the inhabitants. Though no communication is existant outside the tournament, these individuals are seen as the Emperor's emissaries who stand but a rung below the legendary Knights themselves. If a Chapter serf makes a request for the Chapter from a ruling lord it is immediately fulfilled. No ruler wishes to risk the wrath of the 'Knights from the Emperor's Stars' being visited upon them. Local legends refer to the 'Knights of the Emperor's Stars' as the Emperor's chosen army. They revere these tales and when a Knights of Lydda ship is spotted overhead all that see it immediately inform their lord so that offerings may be made to satisfy the needs of these men who serve the Emperor's glory. It is a common fantasy of many of the planet’s youth to be taken to the stars with the Chapter and live their lives in service. It is a dream only few ever get to realize. Beliefs The Knights of Lydda are a zealous chapter in the tenants of its belief system. Their only mission in life is to destroy the forces which threaten the security of the Imperium of Man. Each marine holds dear the teachings and veneration of the Emperor and is a member of the Imperial Cult. On their homeworlds they were all raised with the knowledge of the God Emperor. They have retained these teachings upon their acceptance into the Chapter and worship the Emperor in much the same manner as the many other inhabitants of the Imperium. No challenge has been made to their belief of the Emperor as a God as it has been cited by the Inquisition on many occasions that to do this would most likely start a rift between the Chapter and the Imperium. No one wants the crusading chapter to ask what else they may have been lied to about if the Emperor is not what they have been taught since childhood. Some Inquisitors feel that this ignorance is bliss for the chapter and helps keep them in stride with the goals set for them in the field. The Sons of Lydda believe the Emperor himself chooses each of them and lays forth a mission to be completed. To die in battle is a completion of your task and grants a Knight a place at the Emperor's side in the afterlife. Any Marine who does not die in battle, but rather falls to treachery or subterfuge is prayed for by his brothers and a Chaplain states the case for the fallen marine to take his place at the Emperor's side during the funeral rites in hopes that the Emperor will still see fit to so honor the fallen brother. Honor is taken seriously amongst the Knights and points of honor between Battle Brothers are often settled by ritual combat. Depending on the severity of the grievance between Marines the combat may be settled by first blood, surrender or even, rarely, mortal combat though in the hundreds of years since the Knights of Lydda were formed this only four duels have been fought to the death. Recruitment Recruiting is done from several worlds now, most notably Lydda itself. On each recruiting world a keep is built and run by Chapter serfs. These individuals see to the needs of the Chapter providing required resources and personnel needed by the chapter thorough a series of tolls and levies in return for the Chapter's protection. Every year on Lydda the Tournament of Pages is held at the parade grounds of each of the twenty-three kingdoms. The purpose of the tournament is to provide a recruiting ground for new soldiers to be inducted and trained into soldiers by each feudal kingdom. All thirteen year old males of the realms are required to participate upon penalty of death, though any lad between eight and twelve years may also partake in the Tournament if he wishes. It is during this time that the Heralds of the Knights of Lydda, in the form of high-ranking chapter serfs, come forth to claim some of the youths present for induction into the chapter. The Tournament of Pages is a military affair using blunted weapons and tests of skill such as riding, jousting, and swordsmanship to show potential soldiers to the kings of the realms. These tests, though watched and held in relative safety, have been known their fair share of casualties and even fatalities among the entrants. However it is not solely martial prowess that the Tournament seeks to showcase, nor is solely battle skills that a potential chapter recruit is judged on. Entrants are also tested on military and legal knowledge, courtly manners and a variety of other subjects as well and some esoteric combination of the results of these tests and battlefield performance decides who is and who isn't recruited. Only the Heralds know these criteria, handed out by senior Knights according to the chapter's strengths and weaknesses and they hold their secrets close to their chests. Training The collected aspirants are brought to Nirvana, the chapter's keep. Here they are initially trained in survival techniques and unarmed combat by the serfs who were once themselves aspirants. During this time the surgical procedures for implanting the geneseed and various other organs to turn these young men into Space Marines are begun by the stationed Hospitaller. The Chapter's Hospitallers are aware of the fact that the Betcher's Gland does not work, as is the case with the Imperial Fists from which they are derived and the Chapter fears further degradation. Due to this concern the decision was made to train more recruits in the arts of the Apothecarium. Thus there is always a knowledgeable Brother on hand to monitor the implanted organs and bio-chemistry of each Marine for purity and proper function. Further all units must report every seven Terran years to an infirmary so that more complete check ups can be made. Once a certain maturity level has been established the aspirants are sent out on the Trial of Fire. This trial has the aspirants traveling to the mountains north of the keep with the goal of obtaining the head of an Inferno Drake (a fire breathing wyvern type, dragon class lizard inhabiting the caves near the mountain lakes). When the aspirants return the head is presented to the Hospitaller Sergeants at the Ceremony of Fortitude as proof of their ability to work as a team. After the process of implantation and psycho-indoctrination the aspirant receives a final test, The Journey of Steel. Taken to the most war torn and intense battlefields of the planet, armed with only a sword, shield, comm-link, and flak armor, the aspirants must return to Nirvana within 30 days. Each aspirant is expected to have a trophy from a fallen foe. These trophies are usually in the form of a weapon, most notably a sword. Those who fail a trial or reject the geneseed implantations are inducted as Chapter serfs. These men often serve in a militia company on the field either next to or in lieu of their masters. From this militia the Heralds are chosen to procure the next generation of aspirants for the Chapter. Battle Cry “Whom Shall I Fear?” Battlecry originated on the sulphur plains of Salpahrus IV where the Knights battled against a chaos cult backed by the Alpha Legion which threatened to consume the system itself. The originator of the cry is unknown, yet it persists to this day upon the battlefield.
  11. Well i took me quite some time to post some pics of my minis in these hallowed halls. I started my Word Bearers several years ago (around the time of the 4th edition Codex) and they have been a project that has developed since then. I have a nasty habit of allowing myself to be far too easily distracted. As a result many of my marines are in a kind of 'painting limbo'. Almost finished but not quite. This is the main reason i have decided to start this thread in the WIP forum. Hopefully it will give me the motivation i need to continue building on my WBs and their allies. Thanks These Possessed are actually the first minis i painted for the army. Sorry about the poor photo quality. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0170.jpg?t=1308475920 My Berzerkers were the second squad i painted. As soon i got my hands on the Berzerkers kit i knew i had to fix the old and out of date arms and weapons. For this i used a combination of CSM and marauder arms with the newer CSM weapons. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0109.jpg Flamer havocs. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0178.jpg http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0179.jpg?t=1308473468 My Dark Apostle 'true scale' attempt. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/P1010316.jpg?t=1308473795 I intended to give the Apostle a terminator body guard...but got side tracked by A D-B's Blood Reaver...and so i have just made a start at a 'true scale' NL. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0144.jpg Anyway thanks for looking
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