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Hello Fraters! Having lurked and occasionally posted over the last few months I have decided to create a WIP log to document my re-entry to the hobby. This was going to be a Raven Guard-based log as I have a Strikeforce to build but I have already paused that plan, bought Kill Team Octarius and started some terrain painting. This is very much WIP as I test out washes and contrast paints and basically learn to paint. I only painted a few minis when I was at school, I think it must have been around 1989/1990. Edit: title updated to reflect that I have now bought two KT boxes and have been painting Genestealers to refresh my v.1 Space Hulk game.
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- Kill Team
- Space Hulk
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So here is my first 24hrs progress for the Knives in the Shadows Event,
- 14 replies
- Kill Team
- Knives in the Shadows 2025
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From the album: Ultramarines III Company (Primaris)
Howdy Guys and Girls! Edit - Summer 2018: This is my all-around thread for my work. Fun mix of everything, from 30k to Specialist Games! Currently focusing mostly on Necromunda, Kill Team and Adeptus Titanicus! Edit: Added an Index for the finished content: NECROMUNDA: House Escher: The Raven Queens House Cawdor: Sons of Heylel House Helmawr: Palanite Enforcers Genestealer Cult: New-Trysst Mine Freedomfighters Cults of Chaos: Gellerpox Infected Bounty Hunters: Belladonna, Noble Bounty Huntress THE 13th BLACK CRUSADE: Black Legion: Abaddon the Despoiler Chaos Terminators Chaos Havocs Chaos Obliterators THE HORUS HERESY: Adeptus Titanicus: The Legio Titanica - the God-Engines of the Imperium of Mankind Legio Gryphonicus; the War Griffons: Iron Regent, Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Legio Solaria; the Imperial Hunters: Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Legio Mortis; the Death's Heads: Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Battle Titan, Lucius-Alpha pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern The Knightly Houses - Banners of proud Scions House Vyronii; Scions of Damaetus III/II: Cerastus Banner 'Demeter' House Coldshroud; Scions of the Gryphone Octad: Support Banner 'Teabeanie': Questoris Knight Gallant Questoris Knight Errant Questoris Knight Paladin Scenery: Civitas District Warzone Gamma Civitas District Warzone Ultima Age of Darkness: Death Guard: Nurgle: Mortarion, Daemonprimarch of Nurgle Typhus Lord of Contagion Plaguecaster Plague Surgeon Biologus Putrifier Noxious Blightbringer Tallyman Twisted Lord, Gellerpox Infected Leader Plague Marines Foetid Bloat-Drone Foul Blightspawn Vox-Shamblers Sludge Grubs Eyestinger Swarms Cursemites Glitchlings Dreadnought with twin linked heavy bolter Plague Thallax Cohort Pre-Heresy: Mortarion the Reaper Calas Typhon Moritat Prime Tariq Vralgor Siegemaster Durak Rask Deathshroud Terminators Legion Terminator squad Grave Warden Terminators Destroyer squad Contemptor Dreadnought Castraferrum Dreadnought Medusa Siege Tank Vindicator Siege Tank Hunter Alpha AA Tank Land Raider Achilles Alpha Land Raider Phobos Fellblade Super Heavy Tank Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter Salamanders: 1st Captain Artellus Numeon Firedrake Terminators Pyroclasts Contemptor Dreadnought Deredeo Dreadnought Alpha Legion: Hekatos Delphat, Chief Librarian Sons of Horus: Arkathas Ythedon, Consul-Delegatus of the 1st Company, Commander of the Ikon Raven Guard: Shade Lord Arkhas Fal, former Legion Master Word Bearers: Lorgar Kor Phaeron Erebus Kurtha Sedd Zardu Layak Tactical Squad Tactical Support Squad Breacher Siege Squad Ashen Circle Gal Vorbak Anakatis Kul Blade-Slaves Contemptor Dreadnought Mhara Gal Dreadnought, former Contemptor Anaziel, Mahra Gal Dreadnought, former Castra-Ferrum Ushknub, Davinite Lodge Priest Traitor Militia Grenadiers World Eaters: Angron, the Red Angel Thousand Sons: Consul-Praevian Ardashir Agents of the Imperium: Navigator Clad Eversor Nihilator Daemons of Chaos: Khorne: Valkia the Bloody, Daemonprincess of Khorne An'ggrath the Unbound, Guardian of the Skullthrone, Greater Bloodthirster of the first rank U'zhul, the Skulltaker The Bloodreaver, Herald of Khorne Bloodletters Bloodcrushers Skullcannon Greater Brass Scorpion Slaanesh: Zarakynel, Daemonqueen of Slaanesh Nurgle: Epidemius, Herald of Nurgle Plaguebearers Tzeentch The Changeling The Loyal Mechanicum: The Legio Astorum: Liktor Rex, Lucius pattern Warhound Scout-Titan The Dark Mechanicum: The Archmandriture: Archmagos Draykavac The Legio Fureans: Princeps Thorash Ganesa The Knight House Makabius: Dame Vespasia, Knight Paladin The Macrotechnia: Legio Titanicus Tech-priest Enginseer Majoris c&c are welcome =) xoxo Atia
- 2682 replies
- Lady Atia
- Necromunda
- (and 8 more)
This is the thread for my Luna Wolf Kill team. I plan on having A Centurion (Aspiring Chamption) Signifier (Icon bearer) Codicier (Balefire Acoylte Gunner Heavy Gunner Line Brother (ShriveTalon) I am awaiting the bits but I'll get started on their individual lore now. My characters are set in the early stages of the Great Crusade. ADB didnt want to write about the same characters in 30k and 40k as someone who was important in 40k might not be important during the heresy or vice versa. Most characters we read about are the notable ones, these guys are not notable 10k years on. Most didnt survive the heresy. Some didnt even survive to the heresy. Others the Imperium has no record of. Fluff is very much a work in progress with blanks currently TBD. It'll flesh out more as the models are built. I'll include WIP models in the thread. The fluff section will have pictures of the final models/ most up to date WIP Very open to comments, queries, criticisms and suggestions!
- 12 replies
- Luna Wolves
- Knives in the Shadows 2025
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From the album: Ultramarines III Company (Primaris)
- Ultramarines
- Primaris
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Hi folks. It has been a while since I completed the first 2 buildings of the Volkus Sceney pack. I prepared these 2 repackaged quick fit buildings as my entry for january into 12 MoH 2025. In general I am already owning 2 sets alike, which came with the Vertigus boxed set. It was 9th Ed., correct? When I painted these, I set a more or less stadard PlastCrete colour scheme that I had oportunities to disclose in some early entries of this BLog series. Nothing rocket science: mostly a marked dry brushing with SW grey over Basilicanum grey plus some whithish light dry brush on the edges. Then detailling brass pipes, red doors, cables and skulls... This is what it looked like in this initial iteration, years ago As I own a big amount of terrain now, enough to cover a city fght table probably, I did not wanted to change radically the overall painting feature. I do like homogeneity for my tables, and getting stuff too far away from the main contribution may be too eye catching. But some changes are sometmes welcome. With this in mind I adjusted the distribution of colours only: - instead of going with reinforcing bars in boltgun metal (see pic bellow), I have gone brass - and in order to balance the colours, all brass pipes have went dark boltgun metal. Looks like nothing but it is enough to get these Volkus building giving a hue and a small variation to the overall picture. As I have a moving planned soon, I did not glued these building - these are just snap fitted and will be dismounted before being stored for their big journey. But here nbellow you can see what is the result of this quick and dirty painting for the new iteration of these Volkus sprues: Not the best of my work but considering how busy the current period is, the most finished I could have afforded so far. And as a finishing note, my fav detail of the whole kit: The Volkus scenery bought from Ebay is now complete. time to shift to another project: an Harlequin KT... Read you soon.
- Scenery
- Sector Imperialis
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Wrapping up 2024 and looking forward.
drakheart posted a blog entry in Drakhearts - Hobby blog and general musings
It's been a while since I did a blog post, in fact I haven't posted since completing my Call to arms vow back in the summer. I'd like to say I had a great excuse for not posting, but it was mainly just being distracted by other things such as playing Space Marine II. I have still managed to carry on building and painting a fair few models in this time and having a free time over the Christmas holidays I've gotten quite a bit more finished. 2024 Completed: Following on from my Tau army additions with my Call to Arms pledge I just wanted to add a couple of things to finish off the army with a second broadside suit with magnetised weapon options and with the release of Hivestorm I had to get the Vespids both for my Tau army and as a Kill team in their own right. I now don't need anything else for my Tau (with the exception of a Taunar supremacy suit and a Tiger shark, but they will have t wait until I win the lottery). Next up is the additions to my homebrew Primaris marine army starting with an infernus squad using the Combat Patrol magazine exclusive miniature and the start collecting set one. A converted Captain in terminator armour using one of the ones from the 2 copies of Combat Patrol issue 1 and spare parts from the multi part captain kit and lastly a Phobos strike team for Kill Team with a small amount of kit-bashing to add two reivers to the squad and give the medic a full apothecaries back pack and accessories. I also revisited my Deathwatch, using the other terminator captain to create this rule of cool Deathwatch captain. I also had the idea of building a custom primaris killteam for the deathwatch, kit-bashed from numerous kits and including some 3d printed parts many of which I created myself (and available here if you are interested). Looking at the updated rules for primaris killteams in 40k I might even be on the right path for when they ever get around to updating the Deathwatch in Kill Team. On a whim after seeing numerous Death Guard army lists that included sorcerors in terminator armour, I kitbashed this one to add to my army. Lastly, I also manage to get quite a bit of scenery tabletop ready as well. Into the New Year: Looking forward, I already have several miniature partially painted on my desk, to hopefully complete in the next couple of weeks, namely 5 infiltrators and 5 incursors along with the company heroes squad to add to my marine army. I want to participate in the "Knives in the shadows" Kill team painting challenge, but don't fancy painting up the Tempestus Aquilons from the Hive team box and was intending to sell them. Fortunately I got the Inquisition Agents kit for Christmas which should make for an interesting Kill-team, to bring them up to full numbers I have just ordered a box of Sisters of silence to fill out the team. While on the subject of the Inquisition, I also have sitting round waiting for paint the Warhammer+ Inquisitor and cohorts along with the previous years Kasrkin sergeant and a random sister of battle, that want to get painted and off my desk. I also have this xmas present to myself, I hope to get painted up and find a suitable place to display it. Looking forward to the rest of the coming year I expect much of my hobby time to be Eldar focused with the new miniature due to arrive in the not too distant future. I also need to play more games, rather than just amass more unused armies and kill teams. With it seemingly more difficult to get together with the couple of friends I usually play with, I intent to try and join a local gaming club to hopefully address this imbalance. Anyway, thanks for reading and Happy New Year- 1 comment
- Kill Team
- Space Marines
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Did that just happen............
W.A.Rorie posted a blog entry in In Service of the Imperium- W.A.Rorie's Blog
Ok this was not planned... I swear. So I have been focused on my switching my paints to Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic series and Friday after work I went to 2 of my LGS. First Store I did not get paint but walked out with Watch Captain Artemis and a box of Deathwatch Veterans. Then I went to next store to pick up my online order for paints and picked up more paints. Friday night, I built the sub assemblies for the veterans and converted Artemis due to the cable was short and slapped a bolter on him and switched his Mortifactor Shoulder pad to Imperial/ Crimson Fist and realized I did not have the paint colors I would need for the Veterans. Saturday, I took 2 of my kids with me to another LGS to meet up my friends. Grabbing more Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic paints, Gift card for @The_Oni_of_Hindsight for his Christmas present and the Kill Team Cards I needed or I should say I know I needed, Angels of Death, Plague Marines, and Blades of Khaine. I already have Imperial Agents, Scouts, and Corsair Voidscarred cards. While hanging out with my friends, we discussed playing Kill Team as we all been collecting the cards and models. And one of the guys in our group has all the Kill Teams, it is not me. I also got a bunch of my old Deathwatch stuff back from my group which gave me more models, 3d printed shoulder pads, and 2 more Artemis models, both primed and both have Crimson/ Imperial Fist Shoulder pads. I got home and started working on one of the primed Artemis models. I did not have the colors for Crimson Fists, also ordered more Deathwatch models. Sunday, I had errands to run, and went to a 4th gaming store to pick up paints......I swear. Walked out with Exaction Squad and Cards, Hierotek Circle and cards, Blades of Khaine box, Imperial Breacher cards, Brutal and Cunning box. Mainly for the kids. Ratlings are going to @The_Oni_of_Hindsight in exchange for something to be mentioned later. So for the record between my kids and me of the 28 Kill Teams available: Angels of Death (mine) Phobos Strike Team (mine) Scout Squad (mine) Exaction Squad (mine) Imperial Agents (mine) Imperial Navy Breachers (mine) Tempestus Aquilions (mine) Novitiates (mine- need cards) Vespid Stingwings Ork Wrecka Krew Blades of Khaine (Son #1) Cosair Voidscarred (Son #1) Plague Marines (Son #3) Hierotek Circle (Son #4) For Starters: Chalnath, Hivestorm, Starter (Angels of Death vs Plague Marines), and now Brutal and Cunning. I guess we are playing Kill Team.... the plan is I'm gonna build and paint my son's kill teams so they have painted models to play with. I want to play Angels of Death, but I want to use Deathwatch Veterans instead of Primaris Marines. -
Former rumour, now fact. Updating the OP with a link to the Warhammer Community article on it. // In the rumour thread at TGA (an Age of Sigmar forum), a poster name Elarin (who has previously had good information) has said the following (in reply to a post listing current rumours): // Edit: a follow up, as noted by Matrindur below:
Hi folks, I completed my mandrakes tiday, putting final snow touch to their base and correcting some clown noses caused by miscontrol of white paint for hairs. My inspiration was this illustration: It is slightly different from the usual paint job of GW; mainly as hexfire is blue and not greenish. I found it more convenient and more adapted to bring a common point in terms of colours with the swirling soul wave of my Yncarne. All these models are close from the proposed patrons from heavy metal teams (if they are still called like that) but more easily achievable with my more limited painting habilities... For the tatoos, if these esoteric marks are tatoos, I painted in "negative mode": I fiilled all the tatoos and grooves with an electric blue and tham I painted the skin around through an almost dry brushing technique. This left most of the tatoos free of Eshin grey paint and avoided trying to fix it with my trembling hand latter on. Rest of the model is quite straight forward even if I tried a variant on the blades: mixing bone parts with the doomed iron of these daemonic figures. Finally flames were done in the exact same way as for the Yncarne model I did earlier this month: Frost earth on a withe base; and then brueches qnd washes with Fenris grey, Ulthuan grey and Drakenhof nightshade. The other variant was for the shade shield of the mandrake that tries to hide itself from the light (before teleporting on a secondary objective). For this one I went a dark grey washed with a black, while top part was brushed with a dark blue and a grey. Et voilà ! These 10 Mandrakes will be a nice addition to the Ynari force of mine, giving some nice dirty tricks available to the whole force. Let's them prepqre my vows for October pledge in 12 Month of Hobby! See you soon,
Afternoon all. An intresting little story article has dropped on WarCom this afternoon with some new background for Warzone Chalnath. Story takes the form of a command meeting transcript discussing the redeployment of Tempestus units to engage the T'au. Could be evidence that the rumoured jump scion vs Vespid kill team box is real and we might not have to wait too long for a reveal? Chalnath Dispatches – At All Costs - Warhammer Community ( Let the hype and speculation begin!
- 148 replies
Afternoon all, I’ve moved house and found these in a box that I completely forgot about and wondering if any of these are still relevant or obsolete?
I want those vespids, so much good info. free rules. finally. both sets of models look awesome to me. so I love this box set. sadly I won't have the funds to pay for it on release so hopefully i can pick it up later. sounds like the rules are getting more streamlined which I like. haven't heard anything I dont like yet.
Question. For those who own the kill team annual 2023. What lore is included in the book? Or is it strickly just kill team stats?
From the album: =][=
From the album: Kill Team: Gaunt's Goats
- Kill Team
- Imperial Guard
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First LVO reveal up. We all knew this one was coming.
From the album: Harlequins (Kill Team)
From the album: Harlequins (Kill Team)
From the album: Kill Team
Created using the set from the Kill Team box. -
From the album: Black Legion
- Black Legion
- Heretic Astartes
- (and 4 more)