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  1. Greetings to you all! I have for many a year been plucking away in the WIP thread, but as most of the things I put there are actually finished by the time I post, I thought it a bit more apt to have a thread here as well - and as there is not far from though to action, thus it is done now. The aim of this thread is for me to post pictures of the various B&C permissable armies that I usually work on and the units belonging to them, which I finish. Currently, I have the following armies in my possession: Dark Angels (1st, 2nd and Battle Company) - about 5000 points total Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard, World Eaters, Black Legion & Fallen Angels) - about 4500 points Chaos Daemons (Tzeentch, Nurgle & Khorne) - about 3000 points Imperial Guard allies (Death Korps of Krieg) - about 400 points Grey Knight allies - about 400 points Tyranids - about 8000 points As you can see, there is plenty of potential for varied things to be shown and displayed here - and I look forward to sharing with you all. Thus, with no further ado, I bid you welcome to my thread of finished works from the forge of Master Ciaphas! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
  2. I think I wound up painting 3 different armies last year so having different threads seemed a bit much. Current armies are: Chaos Space Marines, paint and play Chaos Knights, paint and play Dark Angels, paint and ebay (i didnt really like the playstyle) It's been a long time since I've updated anyways, so this will help to keep me disciplined on progress beyond just the annual paint challenge.
  3. Would have posted this in a "Post your" or "Showcase" thread, but there isn't one for fliers. Anyway, I'm really happy with my emperor's children helldrake, so while I don't normally post things here (so intimidating) I thought I would in this case. Still have to do the base, but that can wait until I decide on how to spruce it up a bit. Here's some pics of the two weapon options: The picture above shows some of the things I'm not so sold on about the model - namely its stubby tail and its funny little rear legs. Still, it gives a good view on the wings - if I do another, I think I will give it wider stripes and carry them back onto the rear wings as well. Finally, a "danger view" photo.
  4. I'm of the very firm belief that the Fabius Bile trilogy by Josh Reynolds (Primogenitor, Clonelord, and Manflayer) are amongst the very finest of works from the Black Library and I'm currently working on my Chaos Space Marine army based around some of the themes of Fabius Bile's 'Consortium' and the Emperor's Children legion. Essentially, my army isn't looking to represent the Consortium of the books but my own ragtag band of hedonists, misfits and deviants who have fallen into the orbit of Fabius Bile (or he has fallen into theirs). I love kitbashing and coming up with some bits of my own fluff so this is just as much an excuse to create lots of little characters as it is anything else, but, I need to get the hobby momentum going as there's lots to build and paint. My timing couldn't be much better as part way through the project, we have the new 10th Edition Codex Chaos Space Marines and the announcement that there's going to be an Index for the Emperor's Children! Can't wait! I'll use this post as a bit of an introduction one and something that I can come back to and amend to as a bit of a hub once more things actually get built and painted!
  5. CSM 10th edition Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour This is a topic about Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them? Chaos Space Marine unit of the week links
  6. CSM 10th edition Havocs This is a topic about Havocs in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  7. CSM 10th edition Warpsmith This is a topic about Warpsmiths in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them? Chaos Space Marine unit of the week links
  8. Hey all! Welcome to my shiny new thread. Some of you will know me from my 30k Iron Warriors and Dornian Heresy White Scars threads that I’ve had up here over the years, among other things. In the last year I’ve moved across the country and, unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot of room to bring those projects with me! A crying shame, I know. However, that has left me with a clean slate to start a new force! No more half-finished projects staring at me, begging to be completed. At least not for a while. So, I’ve decided to go ahead with an army I’ve wanted to put together for years - the better part of a decade, actually. Black Legion! Some of you may faintly recall my Fifteen Fangs warband, which I built way back in 2018, when Kill Team first came out. That was my first foray into CSM, but, after finishing the conversions, the project never went anywhere. Until now! When visiting home a couple months back the models caught my eye and I got inspired to take them and expand them into a full Black Legion force. But more on that later. Today my offering is the one and only, the unmistakeable, Warmaster of Chaos: Abaddon, the Despoiler. Abaddon has been my favourite character in the setting for a long while now - ever since I first got my teenage mitts on ADB’s Talon of Horus, an experience I’m sure a lot of you can agree with. Needless to say - other characters from the book will be cropping up here and there in this thread. Over the last few weeks I’ve chipped away at the big guy, and finally finished him up today! He was an absolute blast to paint, and a really excellent model all around. A few notes about creative decisions: • I decided I wanted that infamous red underglow, and it was the first part of the model I’d say was in anyway completed. Looking at it reminded me of the iconic Horus V the Emperor painting, so I decided to paint that fallen marine on the base as a Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard - with an mind towards making the broken wing statue on the base appear as though it was the wing from said Sanguinary Guard’s jump-pack. I wanted Abaddon, clad in black and gold terminator armour, wielding his father’s talon, and stood over a winged, golden-armoured warrior to look the spitting image of his own father - a sort of meta life-imitates-art take, with an ironic twist in that Abaddon probably would hate to know how similar he appears to Horus in this moment I have captured him in. • Left the cape off - I wanted that classic Abaddon silhouette that alluded to his old mini. Cool as the cape looks, it doesn’t feel like Abaddon to me. Plus it obscures some cool details to be found on the back! • Trophy rack - I had so much fun painting up some of my friend’s armies as trophies mounted on Abaddon’s spike rack. We have an Ultramarines lieutenant as played by my friend James, and my friend Raj’s green-and-black Tyranids. I’ve purposefully left the left-most skull (which has Space Marine Bionics attached to it) partially unpainted, so I can add another space marine faction if desired. Coming up - I’ve got plans for a terminator retinue for Abaddon, with a member representing each of the chaos gods. I also have a squad of possessed, and the aforementioned Fifteen fangs kill team, which I will re-photograph to be added to this thread later on. And that’s all for today folks! Cheers for reading, stick around if you wanna see more! If you want more frequent updates, my Instagram, @jallens40k, gets WIP photos as often as I work on my minis. Laters!
  9. CSM 10th edition Chaos Rhino This is a topic about Chaos Rhinos in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  10. CSM 10th edition Cultist Mob This is a topic about Cultist Mob in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  11. CSM 10th edition Dark Apostle This is a topic about Dark Apostle in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  12. CSM 10th edition Raptors This is a topic about Raptors in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  13. CSM 10th edition Maulerfiend This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Maulerfiend in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  14. CSM 10th edition Chosen This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Chosen in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Do you use any transports with them? Do you attach any characters? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  15. There are lots of useful topics about the Heretic Astartes scattered across the Bolter & Chainsword. While most will occur in this forum and its sub-forums, other related topics are bound to spring up elsewhere, especially in the Painting, Converting, and Artwork forums. In addition, there are plenty of external web sites and videos that are useful for Heretic Astartes players. Since we can't pin every useful topic, external website link, or video link, this topic is intended to provide a handy resource for players of the Heretic Astartes. If you know of a topic, external website, or video that you think should be added to this resource listing, please reply with a link to that topic. If you see a link that you think is no longer relevant, feel free to provide your reasons for removing it in a reply. We'll do our best to keep this resource listing updated. Also keep in mind the tags function and how those provide a handy method by which members can search for related topics. The recommended tags for general Heretic Astartes discussions are Chaos Space Marines and Heretic Astartes.
  16. I'll work on getting a better/more descriptive intro later, but I started this army about 10 years ago and, after a long break from the hobby, have gotten back into it in the past few months to start clearing out my pile of shame that's collected a fair amount of dust. 38th Company, Sons of Horus Commander: Captain Ismael Lykaddon Latest on the work bench after finishing up my January models is a patchwork collection of heavy and special weapons from the plastic Mk IV kit
  17. Hiya, lads. I've been wondering - when is this Chaos Lord sculpt from? I've got one as part of my "all old" Death Guard army, alongside some Plague Marines (all 3E or older) and a Finecast Typhus. Mine's in metal specifically. Note that this image is not mine, but my phone is far from cooperative. It's the same sculpt, however. Edit: Answer was found - after Fulkes' research and cross-referencing with the thing I didn't think to do - i.e. look at Lexicanum for five seconds - he's a 3E metal Chaos Lord.
  18. A few questions for alpha legion warlord traits and stratagems. 1) I am Alpharius; can you give this warlord trait to a character that already has a warlord trait? 2) I am Alpharius; It says if the mission gains victory points for killing your warlord they must kill all alpha legion characters. (Does this still count even if i have We are Alpharius on one of my characters meaning that he can not take I am Alpharius since he has a warlord trait already). 3) Master of Diversion; If i put units in deepstrike can i re-deploy them onto the field with this warlord trait? as it is still in the deployment phase. (Also can you use Forward Operatives when you re-deploy or only the first time they are deployed?) 4) Scrambled Coordinates; This i know only works on 1 unit, but when it comes to the space marine drop-pod which has units inside that disembark immediately, does the stratagem work on the unit that is getting out from the drop-pod or only the drop-pod itself? This is just a few i can think of now that im wondering about.
  19. I present for you my recently completed Heldrake, I've soent the last six months on this beast of a model, it's been thoroughly enjoyable to be fair, I hope you'll think that I've done it justice. I made some slight alterations to the 'drake adding some Maulerfiend tentacles to bulk out the tail, and reposing the rear legs to mount it on the column crowing over the charred remains of its latest victim. It's taken approximately six months start to finish although there was a marked drop off in work rate in late summer due to heat and the truncated cricket season. This is also the first thing I've finished with Artis Opus brushes and I'd say they are easily thre best I've used so far, will be looking to pick up some more of those. I did use thier drybrush method at times, although using makeup brushes, which worked well, I'll be looking into how i can incorporate more of tht into future projects. Anyway, enough words, let's have some pictures! ​ Thanks for looking, let me know what you think!
  20. I want to start a small Incursion size army of CSM, the complete opposite of my Grey Knights, shiny, noble, embodiment of the holy God Emperor of Mankind; in all their splendid silver and gold. (does that get your blood burning you filthy heretics?) To basically play with and introduce friends to the hobby. What do you think is the most grim dark looking of the heretic Astartes? And regardless of Legion, what colours do you think scream grim dark? I want some ideas for colour schemes, and some unit suggestions, and I honestly have no idea where to start. Seeing as your codex is potentially around the corner, at least, Dearth Guards is. I don't want to rush into anything. I'm think a lord, definitely some cultists, they scream grim dark, but what else could I include?
  21. After 5 years away from the hobby due to University, I have decided to return. The stars seemed to have aligned with 8th edition, the Death Guard codex, and the completion of my degree coinciding. Perhaps some influence from the changer of ways.. I have pledged to complete the following for the 10th call of chaos: 1 Daemon Prince 1 Helbrute 7 Plague Marines Typhus 1 Rhino 7 Blightlords 3 Deathshroud Only when I was typing that I accidentally put 1 helbrute instead of 2. I still plan on painting both as I am participating in a 1500 pt tournament in 3 weeks where I will need the Daemon Prince, both helbrutes and the 7 plague marines painted, in addition to rebasing and adding a few other details to the other models which I have already painted (Back when I started Death Guard in around 2011, I had about 1500 points already painted) I have a huge amount of death guard to paint at the moment, in addition to the above I have 2 sets of dark imperium, 2 more squads of plague marines and mortarion sitting unassembled. I will try and keep you updated once a fortnight. Onto the units I have pledged for the call: Unassembled goodies for later Plague marines and rhino. The rhino has forge world doors. The 6 of the plague marines are from dark imperium, 2 of which have arm swaps to give them different weapons, the 7th is a plague brethren also with arm swaps. 2 Helbrutes, one is an OOP forge world dreadnought, the other is a slightly converted dark vengeance helbrute. Last but not least is my Daemon prince. It's been heavily converted from the plastic kit with a defiler face plate, some plasticard and a lot of green stuff. I look forward to showing some painted minis. On another note, what is the fastest/best way to upload images/posts? It took me ~45 minutes to do this post and I would like to be able to do it quicker.
  22. I want a Daemon Prince for my Iron Warriors but the GW ones don’t appeal to me. I feel that, for the Iron Warriors, it should be more machine than demon, aka, more Iron than flesh. Looking for alternatives, I saw some interesting conversions but not exactly what I wanted either. Until I run into the Cryx models for Warmachine. In the end I’ve bought the Corruptor/Reaper/Malice kit that would officially give these 3 variants: http://www.thecombatcompany.com/assets/full/PIP-34125.png While I actually love the model as it is, I would like to modify it a bit to look more 40k-ish but I am not sure how. I was originally thinking of kitbashing using a head that would look closer to the skull of the IW and adding something to make it a winged-daemon prince, preferably not actual wings but something like a thruster, although I fear this would look ridiculous. I actually like the arms that come in the kit, although it could be interesting to have an option for a heavy cannon instead. Do you know of any parts that could fit or should I venture into the world of greenstuff? Do you have any other ideas? Thank you beforehand!
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