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Surprise is an insubstantial blade, a sword worthless in war. It breaks when troops rally. It snaps when commanders hold the line. But fear never fades. Fear is a blade that sharpens with use. So let the enemy know we come. Let their fears defeat them as everything falls dark. As the world's sun sets...As the city is wreathed in its final night... Let ten-thousand howls promise ten-thousand claws. The Night Lords are coming, and no soul that stands against us shall see another dawn. The War Sage Malcharion Hi everybody! I thought it's only appropriate to kick this thread off with a quote from Malcharion, since the Night Lords trilogy is one of the reasons why I came back to 40k. I've spent the last couple years building a modest force (I'm a terribly slow painter) and lurking around on this board, but now I've decided that I might as well join in on the fun. To give you an idea of what my Night Lords look like, here's some stuff I've finished recently. My MkIII squad, led by a still unnamed champion: And two Obliterators, the Eisenfresser: I managed to get my hands on some Gorgons a while back and I have to say, they are lovely miniatures. Naturally I just had to convert/corrupt one of them, which led to this fella: Warpsmith Hadur Cobannus Mars Ultor of the Ghoul Stars I hope you like them. There's more to come. INVENTARIUM Raptor Squad "Sol Invictus" - July 13th, 2016 Ceratus Knight Acheron - August 5th, 2016 Lord on Juggernaut - November 15th, 2016 Maulerfiend - January 17th, 2017 Headsman of Malal - April 26th, 2017 Terror Squad "Profugum" - September 2017 Warpsmith Hadur - January 2019 Terminator Lord Varkaus - July 2019 Hellforged Contemptor - August 2019 Sicaran Battle Tank - February 2020 Emissary Ostisoi - March 2020
- 517 replies
- Night Lords
- Iron Hands
(and 6 more)
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It's finally time to start a thread here in B&C too, brethren. My loyalist splinter of XIV Legio Astartes, known as the Echoes of Eisenstein, is a labour of love that has now taken three years and lost all brakes a while back. When I got hold of my first Betrayal at Calth set, the path to damnation was set and I knew I had to go and start a whole army of truescaled marines. There would be no respite. There would be no models left unconverted. There would be only chopping and the laughter of ever growing mountains of grey soldiers waiting for their day. Inspired by Veteran Sergeant on DakkaDakka, the spiral into endless cuts and lenghtenings had begun. From so humble a beginning... ...we arrive to the present, three years later. With even an eager new recruit trying to sneak into the comparison picture! So, welcome to gawk at my insanity where I'll ever so slowly go through the same process with the rest of the 150+ guys I have either unbuilt or unstripped from previous owners of 5 boxes of Calth and Prospero, scratch tanks from busted Rhino carcasses, learn how to paint through my irrational biases ("dang my steel just looks bad in true metal but brass and copper, yaaaas queen!") and occasionally create piles of terrain out of ice cream boxes and my significant other's diabetes waste. Not even joking there Count the seven, brethren (and drop a comment while at it, yo!). EDIT: oh blimey, is there a limit how much pictures one post can handle or why did half of them turn to links? Hope those work, at least?
- 467 replies
- Death Guard
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Hey all! Welcome to my shiny new thread. Some of you will know me from my 30k Iron Warriors and Dornian Heresy White Scars threads that I’ve had up here over the years, among other things. In the last year I’ve moved across the country and, unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot of room to bring those projects with me! A crying shame, I know. However, that has left me with a clean slate to start a new force! No more half-finished projects staring at me, begging to be completed. At least not for a while. So, I’ve decided to go ahead with an army I’ve wanted to put together for years - the better part of a decade, actually. Black Legion! Some of you may faintly recall my Fifteen Fangs warband, which I built way back in 2018, when Kill Team first came out. That was my first foray into CSM, but, after finishing the conversions, the project never went anywhere. Until now! When visiting home a couple months back the models caught my eye and I got inspired to take them and expand them into a full Black Legion force. But more on that later. Today my offering is the one and only, the unmistakeable, Warmaster of Chaos: Abaddon, the Despoiler. Abaddon has been my favourite character in the setting for a long while now - ever since I first got my teenage mitts on ADB’s Talon of Horus, an experience I’m sure a lot of you can agree with. Needless to say - other characters from the book will be cropping up here and there in this thread. Over the last few weeks I’ve chipped away at the big guy, and finally finished him up today! He was an absolute blast to paint, and a really excellent model all around. A few notes about creative decisions: • I decided I wanted that infamous red underglow, and it was the first part of the model I’d say was in anyway completed. Looking at it reminded me of the iconic Horus V the Emperor painting, so I decided to paint that fallen marine on the base as a Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard - with an mind towards making the broken wing statue on the base appear as though it was the wing from said Sanguinary Guard’s jump-pack. I wanted Abaddon, clad in black and gold terminator armour, wielding his father’s talon, and stood over a winged, golden-armoured warrior to look the spitting image of his own father - a sort of meta life-imitates-art take, with an ironic twist in that Abaddon probably would hate to know how similar he appears to Horus in this moment I have captured him in. • Left the cape off - I wanted that classic Abaddon silhouette that alluded to his old mini. Cool as the cape looks, it doesn’t feel like Abaddon to me. Plus it obscures some cool details to be found on the back! • Trophy rack - I had so much fun painting up some of my friend’s armies as trophies mounted on Abaddon’s spike rack. We have an Ultramarines lieutenant as played by my friend James, and my friend Raj’s green-and-black Tyranids. I’ve purposefully left the left-most skull (which has Space Marine Bionics attached to it) partially unpainted, so I can add another space marine faction if desired. Coming up - I’ve got plans for a terminator retinue for Abaddon, with a member representing each of the chaos gods. I also have a squad of possessed, and the aforementioned Fifteen fangs kill team, which I will re-photograph to be added to this thread later on. And that’s all for today folks! Cheers for reading, stick around if you wanna see more! If you want more frequent updates, my Instagram, @jallens40k, gets WIP photos as often as I work on my minis. Laters!
- 24 replies
- Chaos Space Marines
- Daemons
- (and 7 more)
I'm going to put links to any of my tutorials at the start of this thread for easy navigation. Below this will be the original first post. Greenstuff Smoothing Video Greenstuff Smoothing Video 2 Making capes from tissue Changing model colors in Photoshop A better paint stripper than Simple Green. Let's get this going again. Starting off with the 4 Iron Warriors Chaos Lords I'll be trying to complete for Grotsmasha's Captain Conversion Challenge, one for each chaos god. First up, Maesteros, follower of Slaanesh and the path of martial perfection. Parts list so far is finecast legs from the beaky Sternguard, Khorne Berzerker torso with the lower beltbuckle area cut away and replaced with a length of plastic tubing to elongate the abdomen, Mark IV Maximus helm from Red Scorpions veteran upgrade pack, and a chaos marine left arm. The crest has been removed from the helm and armor studs added to differentiate it somewhat from the loyalist version. Unlike what the fluff tells us about Chaos Marines, I think they would all be scavenging any loyalists they killed, and there will be parts from all over the various marine kits that I own used in these conversions to reflect that. More GS work on the legs and foot, and I removed the studs from the leg because they looked like crap and replaced them with the same .05 rivets I used on the helm. I like the bigger armor studs anyway. I tried to modify the face plate of the helmet to bulk it up a bit make the eye area look more sinister, but after a few days of looking at it now, I'm not sure if I like it. Finally getting around to decorating the chest. Small cuts from a strip of plastic half-round for the anchor points of the tubes, which will be covered up later with GS. Hooray for the tube making tool! Also, tip of the hat to Darth Potato for showing me the picture that inspired the chest decorations: Evolution of the polearm he's using: It was originally way too long, so I shortened it up and changed the angle that it sits at, but it might still be a bit too long. Still have no idea what to do for the right arm. Next up is Borgestus, follower of Nurgle, and a few shots of trial poses for him: I really wanted a two-handed pose, but it's proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, thanks to the bulkiness of the terminator armor, so it will probably be the second pose or maybe another variation. I've also done a lot of work on building a new torso for this guy, and I'll try to have progress pictures of that posted later today. Parts list as shown is loyalist termie legs (because the chaos termie legs all look HORRIBLE), chaos termie toso, and GK head and arms. As of now, the torso front is from a GK and has been chopped up and modified quite a lot. Last, is Varko, follower of the Blood God. I originally thought of giving him a very still and static pose to contrast the raging fury most Khorne marines are modeled with, but most of the Four are already going to be posed like that, and what can I say? I love action poses. So, going way back to the hallowed antiquity of 40k for the inspiration: I've always liked that art for the sense of frenetic motion it imparts, and I think GW tried to capture that feel with their plastic berzerkers and failed miserably. Instead of this, we got marines with ork hands that looked like they're ice skating. My rough sketch of Varko: The right arm has no hand on it because I'm going to have to do a lot of work on it to get the pose I'm wanting, but I stuck it on there to check the overall balance of the figure. My first idea was to give him twin lightning claws, but, I gotta be honest, it's a real pain in the butt trying to get a pose with those things that doesn't look goofy, aside from the Wolverine pose with the hands out to the side, of which there have already been several figures from GW with that pose and I didn't want to replicate it. Instead, he'll be hefting two power axes and my bits order for the second one should be here in a few days. Parts list is loyalist assault legs (because the khorne berzerker ones suck and they've never made a good replacement for chaos), chaos torso that may or may not change, right arm from BA Death Company, left arm from FW Red Scorpion veteran upgrade pack, and head from FW Khorne Berzerker upgrade pack with the Ears of Khorne™ removed, and the axe is from a one of the Chosen in the Dark Vengeance box set. As always, thanks for looking. -BCK
- 4924 replies
- Conversions
- Inquisitor
- (and 7 more)
So I have randomly acquired a sealed set of Forge World upgrade parts for Cadian veterans with shotguns among a big eBay box of mostly Horus Heresy stuff. Problem is, by the looks of things there are only four torso and arm sets (plus one loose shotgun), so not enough for a ten man squad, and I also can’t see shotguns as an option for any unit n the Index anymore. One thought I had was just to make a command squad with them and proxy for lasguns, but I thought I’d ask you good folks here if you had any ideas what else I could do with them or what unit they could represent. Feel free to conjecture right out of the box because I’m really interested in any possibilities and don’t mind some proper kitbashing. I’ve got a bunch of old-style plastic Cadian infantry I can use to do something with them. I’ll add a photo later of what I’ve got in the pack. Thanks in advance!
- 21 replies
As said in my vow on the ETL thread I am vowing a 5-man Assault Squad with a Rhino (Power fist, 3 Plasma pistols, Combat shield, Meltabomb, Pintle-mounted Storm bolter and Hunter-killer missile,) and a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (Heavy Conversion Beamer, Graviton Gun, Extra Armor, Searchlight, Carapace-mounted Cyclone Missile Launcher and Targeting Augury, from IA: Apocalypse 2nd Edition pages 24-25,) from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 526 points I will update later with a full break down if it is needed (let me know if it's needed.) Here are 3 pics of the units. Edit - I deleted links as Photobucket sucks!!! Sadly lost the three photos...
- 148 replies
- Dark Angels
- Heresy
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Welcome to the bits database dedicated to the Blood Angels! As I'm sure you're all aware, Blood Angels (Chapter and their Successor) players currently live in a time where Games Workshop and Forge World offer a wealth of bits and pieces for that all important conversion and/or kitbash. These can be purchased on their respective websites, popular auction websites or bits resellers. However, for those who want the cheaper option or who want something more unique, what about the third party sources out there? The list below is for that. Whenever you find something suitable for Faction: Blood Angels please reply below and I'll update the thread (and add it to the Resources Page). [Disclaimer] Please note that anything to with recasters will be removed with extreme prejudice. Head Anvil Industry - Spartan Helmet - helmet, power armour Shapeways - Blood Drop Face Masks Blood Drop Helm and Hammer - Chaplain bits Shapeways - Sanguine Angels Helmets - Firstborn and Primaris compatible Spellcrow - Scouts Heads (bald) Spellcrow - Scouts Heads (long hair) Torso Cults3d (STL flies) - Sanguine Angel Torso and Heads - Primaris upgrades Kromlech - Prime Legionaries Robed Bodies - Primaris Shapeways - Muscle Torso for Space Knights - Sanguinary Guard torsos Shapeways - Prime Sanguine Angel Muscle Torsos - Primaris upgrades Legs Kromlech - Space Legionary running Legs - Power Armour Mk III alternative Kromlech - Scouts Legs Arms TBCShoulders Chapter Customizer - Blood Buzzsaw Pad - Flesh Tearers, power armour Chapter Customizer - Bleeding Heart Pad - Lamenters, power armour Kromlech - Legionary Shoulder Pads Cranium Pattern - Firstborn and Primaris compatible Mastercrafted - Chequered Shoulderpads - Lamenters, power armour Mastercrafted - Chequered Veteran Shoulderpads - Lamenters, power armour Shapeways - Blood Drop Embellished Shoulder Pads Shapeways - Blood Drop with Trim Shoulder Icons Shapeways - Buzzsaw Shoulder Pad Icons - Flesh Tearers Shapeways - Fanged Teeth Shoulder Icons - Flesh Eaters Shapeways - Sanguine Angel Emblem for Shoulder Pads Shapeways - Sanguine Angels Veteran Shoulder Pads - Firstborn and Primaris compatible Combat Weapons Anvil Industry - Chainaxe Anvil Industry - Chainglaive Conversion World - Myriad of combat weaponry Kromlech - Legionary Chainsword Kromlech - Rippers - large chainswords Spellcrow - Space Knights Doublesaw Weapons - Alternative double chainsword Ranged Weapons Anvil Industry - Exo-Lord hellfire cannon - heavy flamer Anvil Industry - fusion cannon - melta gun Anvil Industry - fusion pistol - inferno pistol Kromleck - Legionary heavy flamers Kromlech - Legionary thunder gun with side-barrel magma rifle - combi-melta Equipment Shapeways - roman shields with shield arm - Breacher/Storm Shields Spellcrow - Space Knights Jump Packs ver. 2 Victoria Miniatures - Riot Shields - Breacher/Storm Shields Zinge Industries - Riot Shields - Breacher/Storm Shields Artillery Bitspudlo - Fortifications catalogue - various Tarrantula platform, Razorback compatible Kromlech - Legionary Sentry Gun (Twin Heavy Flamer) - Tarrantula platform, Razorback compatible Kromlech - Legionary Sentry Gun (Twin Heavy Thunder Gun) - Tarrantula platform, Razorback compatible Kromlech - Legionary Sentry Gun (Twin Lascannon) - Tarrantula platform, Razorback compatible Kromlech - Legionary Sentry Gun (Twin Minigun) - Tarrantula platform, Razorback compatible PDCGaming - Tracked Gun/Weapons Platform - Rapier alternative Vehicle bits Chapter Customizer - Bleeding Heart Tank Doors - Lamenters, Rhino chassis, Land Raider chassis Chapter Customizer - Blood Buzzsaw Tank Doors - Flesh Tearers, Rhino chassis, Land Raider chassis Puppetswar - Turrets - various Razorback turret options Transfers Chapter Customizer - Bleeding Heart Decal - Lamenters, transfers Chapter Customizer - Bleeding Heart Stencil - Lamenters, airbrush stencil Chapter Customizer - Blood Buzzsaw Decal - Flesh Tearers, transfers Chapter Customizer - Blood Buzzsaw Stencil - Flesh Tearers, airbrush stencil Miscellaneous Chapter Customizer - Blood Buzzsaw Icon Set - Flesh Tearers icons Scribor - Archangel - Sanguinor/Sanguinius alternative Shapeways - Red Angels and Successors catalogue - Lots of stuff Shapeways - Smash Captain Kit Wargame Exclusive - Imperial Blood Master - Dante alternative Wargame Exclusive - Imperial Death Lord - Mephiston alternative Wargame Exclusive - Imperial Blood Smash Captain 1 Wargame Exclusive - Imperial Blood Smash Captain 2
- 238 replies
- Blood Angels
- Bits
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Before an extended hiatus from the hobby, my main army was blood angels. This year I’m remaking them in a new scale for armies on parade.
- 223 replies
- armies on parade
- Truescale
- (and 7 more)
So after quite a long hiatus, I'm back on the B&C. These days I paint and collect a lot of different Space Marines Chapters, so I figured that the Hall of Honour is probably the best place for me to show what I've been up to recently. To begin with, here's a small selection of some of my painted Space Marine models. Death Eagle Veteran, in the classic Rogue Trader colour scheme. Captain of the Golden Halos Chapter. Flesh Eaters Veteran Sergeant. Carcharadons Tactical Marine. Angels Porphyr Intercessor. Red Talons Tactical Marine. Void Scorpion (homebrew Chapter). Howling Griffons Tactical Marine. Brazen Claws Assault Intercessor. Golden Hands Tactical Marine (homebrew Chapter). Blood Drinkers Space Marine (based on Rogue Trader artwork/cover of White Dwarf 137).
- 30 replies
- Space Marines
- Successor Chapters
(and 4 more)
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I was searching for more conversion ideas for my army, because I feel I need to make some more, when I found this thread on Reddit, with those pics. They came from the old GW site (Australian version?), around 2006- 2007, more or less. There are some really interesting ideas just using plastic Astartes, with changes or even with no changes at all. Others were more elaborate, but still nowadays are amazing. In that time, existed very few FW kits for Horus Heresy. And depending of the date, they didn't exist at all! Damn, suddenly I felt too old. 17 years ago! Enjoy.
- 21 replies
- Old stuff
- Conversions
(and 1 more)
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From the album: Iron Warriors
From the album: Iron Warriors
So, partly because everyone in my Crusade group is now putting together a Tyranid army, and I want to add some alien-hunting flavour to the marines I'm taking to that set of games I'm now planning to include an Inquisitor and retinue. Thing is, I don't want to take Deathwatch in an army that's already blinged-out marines, and I don't think the recent Killteam of Acolytes quite matches the more military look I'm after. What I do have, instead, is a box of Necromunda Enforcers, leftover GSC bits, and a whole lot of gumption. My question is: How do I make this pop? What colours should I use for an Ordo Xenos Stormtrooper? Can I get away with converting a captured and augmented genestealer psyker into a counts-as Demonhost? Would love some ideas, recommendations, and examples of your own weird acolytes and agents. Once I dig in to this it'll probably end up over on the WIP forum.
- 10 replies
- Ordo Xenos
- Conversions
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Like many, I have a pretty substantial backlog of models I need to get to, whether it's something new and unpainted or something older I'm hoping to do better than I did when I was 13 (fingers crossed). I have a bunch up in the apartment with me, and I don't even want to think about how many I have in boxes in the basement... Anywho, I've finally started to get back into painting again after a long hiatus, and thought I'd share some of the results here as I go, partly to keep me motivated to keep going! Inspired by the recent World Eaters codex, I've been returning to one of my first 40k loves, the XIIth. I did some kitbashing recently with Terminators, Raptors, AoS Blood Warriors, Wrathmongers and the new Berzerker models, which was great fun. The Berzerkers and converted World Eater jump troops are still on the way, but I'm pretty pleased with the entirely melee-focused Red Butcher Termies (still disappointed the codex didn't make those official) and accompanying Forgefiend: I particularly like how the giant Berzerker chainaxe looks with these guys: And this lad models himself after a Bloodthirster, complete with a double-headed Blood Warrior axe and a Wrathmonger flail: I'm no painting master and never have been, but I'm still pretty pleased with how they came out Next up I think I'll turn to that Deff Dread I've got sitting unpainted, done up Deathskull style...
- 3 replies
- Chaos
- World Eaters
(and 3 more)
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Two more Scarab Occult Cataphractii Terminator Conversions
Aasfresser posted a gallery image in Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
From the album: Aasfressers Thousand Sons
© Aasfresser
- Thousand Sons
- Scarab Occult
- (and 6 more)
From the album: Magistus Amon of the Thousand Sons
Concept work for my Thousand Sons Warlord, Magistus Amon.-
- Magistus Amon
- Thousand Sons
- (and 5 more)
Thousand Sons Hidden Ones Militia Type Cultists Command WiP
Aasfresser posted a gallery image in Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
From the album: Aasfressers Thousand Sons
© Aasfresser
- Thousand Sons
- Hidden Ones
(and 4 more)
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Thousand Sons Hidden Ones Militia Type Cultists Command WiP
Aasfresser posted a gallery image in Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
From the album: Aasfressers Thousand Sons
© Aasfresser
- Thousand Sons
- Hidden Ones
(and 4 more)
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Thousand Sons Hidden Ones Militia Type Cultists Governor /w Palace Guard WiP
Aasfresser posted a gallery image in Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
From the album: Aasfressers Thousand Sons
© Aasfresser
- Thousand Sons
- Hidden Ones
(and 7 more)
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Thousand Sons Hidden Ones all Militia Type Cultists WiP
Aasfresser posted a gallery image in Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
From the album: Aasfressers Thousand Sons
© Aasfresser
- Thousand Sons
- Hidden Ones
(and 4 more)
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Thousand Sons Hidden Ones Cultists WiP
Aasfresser posted a gallery image in Thousand Sons & Tzeentch
From the album: Aasfressers Thousand Sons
© Aasfresser
- Thousand Sons
- Hidden Ones
(and 4 more)
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Welcome to the thread: I'm hopefully going to post up a combination of my homebrew Lore for the regiment, modelling/converting logs and guides, and painted models showcases featuring troopers, officers, grenadiers and vehicles. Just to keep things on-topic, let's keep it restricted to Rogue Trader Imperial Guard for the moment. I had imperial guard models since 2nd edition; I got into the hobby via having a copy of the old Rogue Trader 40k Compilation which had the first Genestealer cult articles and lists in it and the brood brother models made with 1st ed Imperial Guardsmen really appealed to me. They weren't available however- apparently the moulds got broken. So I started off with some Cadian models and collected a medium-sized (at the time) force. Some time in my teens, Warhammer World opened and I was extremely happy to discover I could mail order things- even RT era things- in the shop. So I ordered a load of the metal RT era troopers- the ones with poseable arms. Eventually I worked out which ones I liked best and narrowed down my force exclusively to the models sculpted by Mark Copplestone. There was something about the heavy look of the armour and boots in his sculpts that appealed to me. I originally had all my RT guard painted in the same ice/urban blue-black and blue-grey scheme I'd had my cadians in, which was pretty similar to the original RT IG colour scheme. Sometime a couple of years in I decided I didn't like that any more and went with a scheme inspired by the enemy marines in the massively influential video game Half-Life; at the time I think I must have put several thousand hours into that game. There's one trooper in particular that pretty much just is the beret guy from HL. That scheme has persisted to the present, although very few of the original models have survived unmolested: fairly early on, I decided to ditch the RT era lasguns, which is a decision I'm still happy about, as it happens, and make autoguns for the troops as similar to the MP5 submachineguns and shotguns that the HL marines had as I could make them. This is the decision that put me where I ended up now- that is, saddled with a self-imposed directive to convert pretty much every trooper. Each autogun is converted from a RT bolter, a length of space marine power axe or chainsword handle and the magazine and barrel from a necromunda autopistol. Pretty work intensive, but not a bad go at the mp5 while still keeping some recogniseable 40k features. The shotguns are from the same necromunda weapon set as the atuopistols, but cut down a little. Having comitted to converting all the guns, it wasn't long before I was converting all the arms too: I'd already done a lot of head swaps due to there being only four basic Copplestone trooper sculpts -and two of those needing some heavy converting just to make them 'standard'. Things just sort of snowballed from there. I'll show some more detailed stuff about why this all is if people are interested, as well as how I do it, I guess. I reckon there's a rich vein of posts to be mined to get where I have the troops today, which is a long distance indeed from where they were. I'm going to say right here in the first post that this will be a thread I update slowly: I don't get a lot of time for modelling and painting anymore on the one hand, and on the other I want to comment on modelling and converting individual troopers because that's the kind of thread I like best and I want to create something I would like to see myself. Please feel free to make requests and offer comment; I'd really appreciate it. In the meanwhile, here are some 'action' shots of my guardsmen, mostly set up for Apologist's 'War of the false Primarch' collaborative blog, which you should definitely check out if you haven't. Thanks everyone
- 65 replies
- Roguetrader
- ImperialGuard
(and 2 more)
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Hello Friends, One of my fist Space Wolves Army was the 13th Company from way back in the day. I loved the mixed armor of Space Wolves and CSM, plus it was the first time Wulfen were introduced. I tend to enjoy modeling and painting quite a bit, and it often opens up opportunities to get what I want out of an army on the painting table and battle board. I just bought and began assembling Wulfen for my army and discovered many extra heads, arms, shoulder pads and weapons. So with the new and old bits out of one box of Wulfen I got ten to play with. Here are the conversations and I’ll post updated as I get more of the army done.
I have a few squads of my Raptors already done but here are ny current projects. Raptors seam fairly popular and I was even inspired to start my own from seeing quite a few raptors armys online. Something about that semi grounded aesthetic on space super soilders just seams right. My backstory for my Raptors army is they are the 15th battle company with an overall focus on air imsersion and air support. This is my Stormtalon conversion to look more like a attack hellicoptor. Not original but i think it turned out well. This is my counts as Deredeo Dreadnought conversion. Its a tad tall but people I play with dont care if its modeling for disadvantage. Some more units Im working on. Finally here is some of my finished units so you can see what the rest of my WIP units will look like.
Greetings all. After coming out of lockdown, my local club has a few members wanting to try out Necromunda, so here I am. I bought the 2017 starter set but never got around to really doing much with it, and I've yet to play a game. I chose the Corpse Grinders for this project, thought I'd share them here. You may notice a few conversions. I hate the majority of the juve heads, so those weird cages had to go. I also had a crack at building myself a cult icon; I also started working on my colour scheme. I wanted to go really dirty black and after painting up some monochromatic adeptus titanicus stuff, I thought I'd see what else I could do with that theme. Obviously still need to add copius amounts of gore to them, and I'm thinking of trying out some weathering powders on the bases. List wise, they're all armed with heavy chain cleavers, the rotary saw, cult icon, and the juves have bone swords, pistols and smoke grenades. I know lots of the axes aren't the specific heavy cleavers, but rule of cool and variety win out.. if they're all heavy and I pay the points, I hopefully won't see any issues. Looking forward to learning the rules and finishing these, as well as expanding. C&C welcome Thanks for looking!
- 24 replies
- Corpse Grinder Cult
- Corpse Grinders
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